PvP Server > Ban/Punishment-Related

Ban Appeal

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So you got banned, harsh. Well 99% chance it was your fault and you were caught breaking the rules. If though you were that 1% that was wrongly banned well, We are truly sorry. Either way this is the thread you can appeal any and all bans in the hopes you can get them overturned and come back to our wonderful world of  POKéMON!

Hey guys it's BjZ here, I got banned for going into the Nether. It was a stupid decision on my part, and I honestly didn't realize that I would get banned for being in there, I thought that the admins were just disapproving it. So, my friend showed me a way in, i TPA'd my other friends in and we had a bit of fun. All of the Nether Warts were already gone, and we were just kinda screwing around. I really do like the server, and hope that I moderate on it one day (dosen't look like it's going to happen, but I still try!) I really hope you do consider this appeal, and I hope to see you all on the server one day!

Hello, my name is rewas321 and I got banned today.
 *Hello rewas321*
 Hi everybody!
 *So what's your story?*
 Well, it all started when rigby announced the nether. Ever since that day, I dreamed of my adventures in the nether. Which I pictured to be something like this:
 But then turned out to be something like this:
 This was because I had cheated my way in. I had enderpearled my way in. And for this I have apologies. It all started on a sunny sunday morning, and the football season was coming to an end. I had smiles on my face. And then Bjz came to me and said something like "OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH" and I was like "WHATWHATWHATWHATWHAT?" And then he said a long sentence which I really wasn't paying attention to because I was playing TTT, and then I heard "nether." And then I'm like what, how? Archie was telling how he got into the nether with his buddies, and bjz sent me a tpa request. And so I entered and killed a blaze rod. I was happy. I checked the fortresses for some nether warts, but they weren't there. Then Archie said he and his buddies raided it. Warmonger was apparently secretly talking to me about nether, so I'm guessing he was part of it to.
 So yeah. I am sorry for doing this. We did come clean though. We are sorry for this, and I hope you can forgive us. I didn't exactly know you would get banned for it, I thought it was just kind of a no-no.

3 day Ban for the the 3 of you. Upon Returning you will Find everything you had and anything even relating to you taken and stripped from you. This is the best deal we can cut for those original ones caught abusing this. Count yourself lucky you get to comeback, most wont.

Hi, its BryanScott, I was wrong accuse of xraying a couple of minutes ago, but I didn't use anything, just found a very big cavern next to 2 abandon mine shaft and just dug up an ore I saw laying there, Ill be glad to give the coordinates to prove my innocents  :(


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