Community Related > Debates

What shall we do?

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This came to my attention when I looked at my society from a different perspective. The growing population of stupid people is growing at an alarming rate. I thought about it and I realized that someday the world will be consumed by this growing population. This will maybe result with overuse of slang and scientists to find a way to prolong erections, instead of finding cures, if it gets that bad. The intelligent population will plummet and the world will be in chaos. So we have a question to answer, to stop all of this madness from happening. That question is; What will we do?

Watch the movie Idiocracy. It's pretty much about exactly what you just said. Plus it's hilarious.

I will watch it on netflix.

Metzger beat me to it xD

What about food? I heard a prediction that our population may be 9 bil by 2020. And feeding all these people is a huge problem. We can barely feed the 7 bil already here.


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