PvP Server > Admin Thread

Tene, what the hell


If you're going to screw around, at least clean up your fucking mess. Why did you leave all those things around spawn? Random blocks, extra entities that aren't removable by any conventional means, a platform of bedrock right next to pallet town as your personal /summon playground? Just because tene wants to play and forgets to clean up after herself? Doesn't feel like informing anyone else on how to clean up after her either, just fuck 'em, she doesn't care. "It doesn't lag me, so its not causing anyone else lag" which is horseshit, since my fps went up after I destroyed that shit, as well as Hopping (yeah that person saying that all your screwing off was causing him lag?) saying that the lag was gone after I removed them.
Screw off on your own server, fuck up the map on your own server. Otherwise, clean up your mess when you're done fucking around.

Ok half of that was me losing my temper over a lack of sleep. It's not as big of a deal as I made it out to be, but it was still careless and dumb.

Lol, I forgot I left stuff there, usually i clean it up. My last testing area was destroyed when you moved Mt Silver.

You could use that fancy little stone sphere near silver now (RIP Horses)


--- Quote from: 1cec0ld on February 27, 2014, 10:32:37 pm ---You could use that fancy little stone sphere near silver now (RIP Horses)

--- End quote ---

oh, forgot about that


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