PvP Server > Hoenn-Related

LFClaird Builder Application

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Are you a good builder?:
I am a pretty good builder. I am always getting better at building on Minecraft as its something I enjoy. I am mostly good at Redstone, Interiors and exteriors.
Do you have Emerald/Emulator/Advanced Map?:
I have a GBA but with Sapphire, however, I could acquire Emerald in the next week or so. I have Advance Map with Emerald and could download an Emulator. So all 3.
Can you follow directions from the HeadBuilders?:
I will follow any guidelines, directions, orders or instructions any head builder tells me, no questions asked. I am also open to constructive criticism since it allows me to understand what I've done badly and how I can make it better. I will obey anything they tell me to do excluding selling my soul to Satan (or Giritina). If my work is even a little unsatisfactory, I will simply start again until its as perfect as a shiny Rayquaza.
Can you work well with a team?:
I work well with a team as I'm good with getting on with people aslong as they treat me nicely too. I will also take any Constructive Criticism from them too because as I said, it helps me a lot. I also wont be selfish with it. If they want to work on a certain part, I will allow them to.
Do you know what scaling we use to build?:
Pokemon Game Tile:Minecraft block
How often will you be able to build?
I am online ALOT of the time and am online whenever I can be. In weekdays im on for about 4-5 hours and Saturdays im on for about 16 hours since I go to bed late (Bad ass). Sundays are around 6 hours. I have the Christmas holidays only a few days away so I will be online maybe around 10 hours a day except Christmas day and Boxing day when I might be on for very few hours.
Why do you want to build?:
It would be such a high honor for me to build on this server. I have been on the Pixelmon server since around the time it began and have always waited for construction to finish. *Patriotic music* I do not want this for the fancy rank that others might show off with, no. I want it so when I'm done, I cant look back and be proud of myself that I helped contribute to the map and proud of my creations. I love Pokemon, Minecraft and building, also, the server is the only one on Minecraft I go on and it would be great to help out finish up the construction, after this I would love to help finish off other regions such as Unova and Sinnoh.

Where in hoenn is that house from?


--- Quote from: stuffjunk on December 15, 2013, 01:50:10 pm ---Where in hoenn is that house from?

--- End quote ---

Rustboro, it says on the album. Sorry for the poor choice of blocks. Mushroom just seems to look like it.

One side of the house is bigger than the other, left has 8 and the right has nine. Aside from that I see no Scaling Problem on the Exterior.

Pictures should be in default textures.


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