Pixelmon Server > Server News

I'm out guys, for good.

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Didn't really know you that much Ali, but from what I can tell from these posts, you were indeed, a very valuable person to this server. So it is my honor to salute you off to a greater life! Good luck Ali!

Thanks guys, warms my heart to come back and see this thread.

This will be my last post, so let end it with a fitting gif.

Bye Ali.

I know I didn't really know you that much and I never saw you on the server (ONLY ONCE XD) I will still miss you. Enjoy Life and Good Luck  :grouphug:

EDIT: Sorry if this is in pixelmon I just saw it and was like: Nuuuu! ;-;

BaiBai ali, u weren't really on much in my days of playing but when you were you were awesome and i'll miss ya. baibai  :(

Reviving topics eh?


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