PvP Server > Sinnoh-Related

[Builder Application][Sinnoh]arceusplayer11

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In-game name:  arceusplayer11
Age: 13.52
Screenshots that show your building skills: Can only show 1 here because of file restrictions, but I will show the other in a comment down below.
Can you scale? Yes, I can scale.
Will you follow orders from the head builders? Yes, I can.
How active are you? Around 5 hours per day.

Cant upload the 2nd image. I tried taking a new picture, but it also went past the image limits.

What is that?

Sorry, just realized you needed a picture of a Sinnoh build.
Let me make it. Will only take 10-15 minutes.

Here they are! It's the exterior of your house in Twinleaf town, from Pokemon Platinum.


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