Author Topic: Sharkfin1997's moderator application  (Read 5139 times)


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Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« on: May 15, 2012, 03:30:56 am »

sharkfin1997's moderator application

ING: sharkfin1997
Age: 15
Time available: I'm mainly on from 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM then 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM then 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM. This is all Australian EST. Being Australian means I can help with problems when most staff are asleep. On the weekends I'm on nearly all day.
How long have you been on the Pokemon Server?: I have been on this server since about August/ September last year.
Why would you be a good mod?: I believe that I would be a good moderator on this server because; I enjoy and can help users well, I'm kind to everyone but can become serious if required, I have made friends with nearly everyone on the server, I don't get angry easy, I have experience running servers, I've been here a long time and this server is like my second home.

The main job of a moderator is helping users in any way, shape or form, right? Well helping users is something I love doing and do frequently. A current example of this is that nearly every time I see a new user join the server I instantly warp to spawn to give them useful gifts for their experience, such as sugar cane or a stone sword, and advice on what they have to do to start their journey. Another example is the fact that I regularly give escorts to new users through Viridian Forest or Mount Moon, knowing how hard it was when I joined and wanting to give people a great minecraft experience on 'The Pokemon Server.' You feel so good after helping a user whether they say thank you or not and if I was a moderator I'd be able to help more people in many ways. I quote the answer to my Pokemon personality test, my current forum signature; 'You are nice, friendly and do your best to please everyone to what ever extent you can manage.' Moderators should always be helpful as it improves the server.

Some may know me as being quite friendly and in a good mood most of the time. A positive nature like this would be good for a moderator to have and great for the customer service element in helping users. The quote I had in my first paragraph also says this about me. Even though I apply these features to my normal time on server to give of a positive feel, no matter how depressed I may be in real life, I can become serious if the situation arises. A good example of this is when a fight starts between two or more users about something such as a pvp matter I will become quite serious and try to solve the conflict if an admin is not around or is busy. Another example is if someone is breaking a server rule such as spamming or breaking rule 1 I will actually become very serious and scold the perpetrator, but only after asking them to please stop. The ability to become serious fast is also a feature of a good moderator.

Someone with a lot of enemies on the server would not be a good moderator and may give harsher punishment to them than other users. Also no one would want someone that they don't like helping run the server. Over the time I've been on the server I have gained many friends amongst the admins and the general community and any possible enemies made I soon befriended later on. An example me having friends on the server was when I made a friend and we built a large house in the wild together and supported each other with items for a long time. He even entrusted me with the location of his gym badges in the house which I protected until it was grieved by a user who I will not name to be polite. Another example of the fact that I have made many great friends on here is the fact that I have such a large team over at Pewter Police which I will talk more about later in my application. Becoming friends with the community of the server is something all moderators should do.

Not getting over angry is a skill all moderators should learn to better the experience of all the users and is something I used to not be able to do very well. When I was new I used to get angry easy if someone did something bad such as killing me but after being scolded by my peers a few times I learned not to get angry easy. For example, now if someone kills me I usually politely ask them if they can return my items and if they say no I go no further with my complaint. Another example of me showing little anger was when a certain admin turned my bank VIP into lava death trap. I calmly asked if it could be returned to it's previous state and the admin not only turned it back but improved it greatly. A moderator that can get extremely angry a lot can cause a lot of problems for the server's users as they may get unfairly punished or attacked by a grumpy user.

I have experience running minecraft servers which would make me a good moderator on this server. I'm an admin on two minecraft servers and nearly became a moderator on one. An example of a server that I'm an admin on is the upcoming, soon to be release 'Hunger Games Experience' server that is coming out in a month or two. As admin I've helped build and create this server and am currently, personally in charge of advertisement, training new staff and tech issues. I'm also one of the area leaders but I will not go into that as it isn't relevant to my application. I'm also experienced in running other operations away from minecraft. For example I'm director and producer with some others of an animation YouTube series coming out soon. Someone who has experience, not only in minecraft but in other situations, would make a good moderator on 'The Pokemon Server.'

Someone who hasn't been on this server long could still make a good moderator but a user who has been here a very long time is better most of the time because they know the server and it's member a lot better and have great knowledge of how it runs. A person who has been here a long time is also good because it's proof that they're not just going to get bored after a month or two and leave like a new user may do. For example there could be a user who has joined and has been a staff member on many other servers and there could be a old user who is committed but doesn't have much experience and the new person is promoted to moderator but after a month they don't feel like playing on the server and decide to leave but the old user is still there, committed as ever. I've been on this server since believably around August/September last year and have known the server and the people on it for a long time. The other day I even had a conversation with someone who hasn't been on the server in months but I knew them due to my long time here. Someone who has been on a server a long time usually can make a better moderator than a new user.

A moderator that cares about a server is good at their job. Throughout my life I've had to move house a lot. You have to leave all the people you love and care about, your home that you have grown up in and the area that you lived in. When all these thing leave you there isn't much left that doesn't and this server is one of those things. It's always there and that's why it has become like my second home as has all these friends that won't leave me. An example of me caring about the server is the fact that I am a donator and did it to help the server, not for the perks that I did not require. Another example is the that I'm a builder, helping to build all the other regions and am currently on the Hoenn and Sevii Island teams. I've also applied to be a Sinnoh and Unova builder but haven't been accepted yet. My third example is that I started a business known as the Pewter Police because I was so upset seeing new users getting tricked and killed by older users who should know better. Also I had a bad experience that I mentioned in an earlier paragraph that actually inspired me to start this organization to stop these things from happening and make the server a nicer place. Someone who really cares about a server would make a good moderator.

As you can see I can bring many things to the server as a moderator, whether it just be helping users with problems or creating a more positive feel. I have no problems with doing boring, menial jobs as I'd probably enjoy it and care about the server so much. I realise you may not need a new moderator at the moment but please consider me as it  would make me so happy.

Do you know how to use WorldGuard?: Yes, I do and have had quite a lot of experience with it.
Would you consider yourself "mature"?: Yes I can be very mature if required.

Please consider me and can an admin reply so I can see if I did good or not.

Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 03:32:00 am »
Wow shark.... Amazing...


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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2012, 03:36:59 am »
Thanks and it actually used to be longer when I posted it during the recruiting time but because I took longer than an hour it automatically logged me out and it was deleted. This time I did it on Word first :P
Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2012, 03:39:34 am »
Should have set on forever man. :p


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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2012, 03:48:32 am »
Lol yeah that would've helped :P
Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2012, 07:28:10 am »


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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2012, 07:28:11 am »
mines set on forever :P


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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2012, 07:43:58 am »
 :o  You need to cut back!  :o

Staff trainer and Deputy at Pewter Police
Previous leader of Fuchsia City Gym

Check out my Moderators Application when you have a chance :)

What I got in 2014:


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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2012, 07:45:17 am »
Nah it being long sets it apart from the others
Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
Sheriff of the Pewter Police
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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2012, 07:45:38 am »
Or pisses off the admins! :rotf:

Staff trainer and Deputy at Pewter Police
Previous leader of Fuchsia City Gym

Check out my Moderators Application when you have a chance :)

What I got in 2014:


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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2012, 07:47:14 am »
Well hopefully they will reconise my effort as this is the thing I want to do most on this server
Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2012, 05:38:02 pm »
I'm sorry I've got no idea what TL;DR means
Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
Sheriff of the Pewter Police
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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2012, 06:04:10 pm »
Too long;didn't read
"Tene likes her men like squirrels like their acorns... Buried." -Me, inspired from adult swim
I approve


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Re: Sharkfin1997's moderator application
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2012, 06:11:17 pm »
That can be said in a positive way right?
Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
Sheriff of the Pewter Police
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