Author Topic: The Two Sides of a Man Pt. 1 Amnesia [For people 15+] (Prolouge)  (Read 2949 times)


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    I can't remember a thing. Not where I am, nor who i am. All i know is, I can't see a bloody thing.
It's dark, either I'm blind or I'm in a very dark hallway. I'm being dragged down this hallway, people shouting, most likely doctors.

There's a persons voice emanating through a room, or a hallway.
"How's his left eye?!"
My left eye? Are they fixing my blindness? And why?
I take a sniff of the air around me. The smell of blood is overwhelming, the stench of it must mean it has been there for a while.
"What's left of Jason's squad?!" shouted a commander.
Hm.... Jason? Was that my name? Jason who? Why should I care right now? I have to remember what this place is! A butchery? The blood could be of animals. No, to many voices. Wait! The voices sound like they're in pain. A hospital! Or....

I flip over and hit the ground, full force! I try to get up and my visions returning. I stand to see what that noise was about. It's blurry, dusty area in front of me. As the dust clears, I am able to see thing's better now.
There's rubble everywhere, bodies everywhere, it's a horrific sight.

My hearts beating faster then usual. I feel a tingling sensation coming from my abdomen.
I glance down, Blood. It's running down my shirt, and on to the floor. I see a rod sticking out my stomach. A reinforcement bar from the walls during the explosion.

"Your eye..." said a whimpering voice.
"WHAT?!" I screamed.
"Your eyes hold the key! Use it!"
"Wait, who are you?"
"I.... am.... Charles... Please remember..... me...."

"What is this!!!"
A powerful sensation is running through my body. My eye, it holds the key, it holds the power.
I rip the rod out of my stomach. The blood stops flowing, the rod hits the ground and rolls away. The tissue is rejoining to patch up the impalement.

My mind goes blank, I'm not thinking, I'm not processing anything during this time.
I feel a darkness, an emptiness, or rather, an evil and destructive feeling...

A voice in my head mumbles, "Did you forget about me?!"

I'm just laying there, don't know whats going on, and can't find an answer to that voice. The voice was of a person, but, everyone around me was killed or unconscious.
I picked myself of the ground and staggered to a wall for balance. I quickly found a hole in the wall where the explosion went off.
"Should I really be going towards explosions?" I asked sarcastically.
I had a general understanding of where I was now. The surrounding area was a dirt and sand covered desert. Jeeps were zooming past me, tanks moving to secure a position on the horizon. I look at my clothing and notice it was a military uniform. Hm. That means I was in a military hospital, but an underground one? All the way out here?
I hear a noise coming from my pocket, making a clinking sound each step. I unzip the pocket and take out a tag.

RH Positive

A dog tag, so now i know my name, all that's left now is to get out of this desert. I sneak up to a jeep parked outside the military hospital, and the keys, conveniently under the sun shade. I start up the car and right as I hit the gas,
I shoot my head behind me, I see a woman running at full speed, I hesitate to hit the gas now.
"Thank  Arceus  I caught up to you, the insurgency is pushing back, FULL FORCE!" the woman exclaimed. " We better fall back before we get caught in the mess!"
Though I would really love to kick her ass out of the seat, I'll feel a sense of guilt.
I hit the gas and off we go. I repeatedly see more and more Jeeps go the opposite way, into what she said to be, "A full force insurgency attack."

We arrive at the edge of desert, luckily we ended up in a quite populated city. The city seems to be somewhere in the middle east.
I feel a pain in my eye, but I try no to let her notice it. I cover my eye with a cloth in my back pocket to prevent anyone seeing it. I excuse myself to get to a restroom, to check what the hell is going on.
"What the?" I said.
The left eye that has been talked about and has been hurting, seems to be a lot more different than the eye that was intact. The color of my retina was a dark purple while the iris was a dark red.
"Is it power? Is it a key? They said different things. I don't know what was real, fake, lies or truth. It seems i need to figure it out on my own." I said in a low voice.

I came out of the restroom to find that woman standing outside.
"You waited for me?" I asked
"Well, yeah, you saved me from the oncoming insurgence." She said.
If she deserted the military, wouldn't she be labeled as a traitor? Well she left to save herself, it's her decision.
I don't even know what her name is!
"E..Excuse me, I never caught your name." I said
"Jennifer, Jennifer Hunter. Just call me 'Jen'" She said.
Jennifer, what a nice name.
Putting my mind back on track, we need to get out of here and back to wherever country we are fighting for.Judging by the soldiers in the Jeeps earlier, I'm guessing it would be the United States.
"You never told me your name either!" she said in a stern voice.
"Oh.. um, I'm Jason Sullivan, I have almost no memory of what happened before the bombing on that hospital." I said in a soft voice
"You mean the underground one?" She asked.
"Yes, how'd you know it was underground?"
"Because that was the experimentation ward....."

Part 2 coming soon [3-5 days] :)
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 10:56:16 pm by AxZeroCrypt »
But you shouldn't have to call on us to hold your hand for every step of trying to resolve an issue.

At least MY musical taste has a fucking meaning!!



  • GameFreak
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Re: The Two Sides of a Man Pt. 1 Amnesia [For people 15+] (Prolouge)
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2013, 10:57:05 pm »
Added more to the prologue, felt it was lacking some info to kick start the story.
But you shouldn't have to call on us to hold your hand for every step of trying to resolve an issue.

At least MY musical taste has a fucking meaning!!


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Re: The Two Sides of a Man Pt. 1 Amnesia [For people 15+] (Prolouge)
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2013, 03:38:24 am »
Oooh now it makes more sense :P