Pixelmon Server > Problems


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So Orbs are working :D but the shrines aren't. For me the orb looks full, doubled check with the pixelmon wiki of what a full orb should look like and they matched, but the shrine still will not recognize it.

Whats the data value? I believe orb fullness is related to its data value.

Also at first, I misread this thread as 'Shinies'

It is at 10402:57 But the "57" has reached 0 and is rising with every pokemon faint/kill


--- Quote from: SnibletheNarwhal on April 16, 2014, 06:06:32 pm ---It is at 10402:57 But the "57" has reached 0 and is rising with every pokemon faint/kill

--- End quote ---

What do you mean reached 0?


--- Quote from: cp910 on April 17, 2014, 08:57:50 am ---Speaking of which I have a shrine to Skyrim in my bedroom :P

--- End quote ---

Do you have to go off topic on everything?


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