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Super Bowl


So its the Patriots vs the Giants. Who will win this Super Bowl Weekend? Thread to talk about it!

Of course its going to be the Patriots you think they would really loose twice to those Eli faggots? Nah bro just nah

20k says Brady gets another ring, screw the Mannings.

I don't watch football, but I played some games and in these games the Patriots always had a higher overall stat. So i'm going for the Pats! Fair reason might I add.

The thing is yes the Pats have a higher scoring offense and strat, but they have a weak defense but when playing against the Giants, you dont exactly need top of the line D anyhow. :I Brady Bro, jus Brady. Not a major fan of either team but Pats > Giants anyday.

Longtime fan of the Patriots here, despite the fact that everyone around me is rooting for the Giants, whom I hate. Living in New York sucks sometimes...

Know that feel, I lived 5 years there. I am sadly a jets cant help but like a home team but man do I just have a deep seeded hate for mannings and giants...and the mets. lol  ;D


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