Author Topic: Darth225's Mod Application  (Read 3516 times)


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Darth225's Mod Application
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:10:38 pm »
1. How old are you?

I am 18 years old, I was born March 9th 1996.

2. What is your main party Pokemon?

My party consists of.
1. Amprahos Level 52.
2. Flygon Level 50.
3. Machoke Level 36.
4. Gyardos Level 50.
5. Chandelure Level 45
6. I usually vary for training purposes but currently, Level 50 Mew.

3. How much money do you have? How easy is it to earn money?

I currently have 312 plus lots of Diamonds, It's pretty easy for me to make money, all you need to do it search.

4. What plugins/Mods do you know how to use?

I know how to use most of the plugins on the server and I'm very up to date with Pixelmon.
The Pixelmon commands I know how to use are.
/pokespawn (name)
/pokespawn (name) Boss 1-4
/pokespawn (name) s
/pokegive (player name)
/pokeheal (player name)
/pokebattle (player1) (player2)
/pokespawn (pokemon name) statue
/pokestats (player)
/setparty lvl
Then essentials.
/tpahere (player)
/tpa (name of person going to) (yourself)
/tpa (yourself) (person bringing to you)
I also know how to use World Edit.
I can try to learn ModDamage if you want me to know it.

5. How many hours a day are you on? What times are these around?

I vary I'm usually on at about 4pm to 5 to 8am CST. But that is likely to change since I'm moving for college in September.

6. Do you have a Team Speak, and are you willing to use it?

I do have Team Speak and I am willing to use it.

7. Why should we choose you as a mod? What things are you extremely good at and what are you weak at?

I feel I should be a mod since I've been with the Pixelmon server since the beta. I'm extremely good at helping others you can ask Sweaty, xEnvy or Donut. I can be considered weak at paying close attention.

8. Do you just want to be mod for the rank? Tell us WHY you deserve it!

As I stated I've been with the Pixelmon server since the very Beginning and I can get dedicated to it. I really want to help people and fix things I find out of place on the maps.

9. What do you plan on doing as a mod?

I plan to follow the rules and enforce them if I need to. I plan to help people who need or want help, to the best of my abilities.

10. How long have you been on the Pixelmon server?

I've been with the server since the Beta, which very soon to me posting this application will be a year.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 11:30:26 pm by Darth225 »



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Re: Darth225's Mod Application
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2014, 07:09:31 pm »
Darth is smart, and has lots of experience with pixelmon. He helps answer questions a lot. My only critique is to put everything in order, and to list the pixelmon commands. Good luck!


  • First Pokemon Battle
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  • Only the Dead have seen the end of War. - Plato
Re: Darth225's Mod Application
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2014, 08:11:57 pm »
I re-did the commands I know.