Author Topic: Pokémon Journeys - Pt. I - The Journey Begins  (Read 16718 times)


  • Sinnoh/Unova Head Builder
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Pokémon Journeys - Pt. I - The Journey Begins
« on: April 08, 2013, 10:19:15 am »
"Finally made it to Viridian City!" I took my first step onto the footpath at long last, recalling the events of the past few hours.

I woke at 6am, early I know, but I was so excited for today. I rushed out of bed and quickly got dressed, ran downstairs, got my bag and took off out the door. I breathed in the cool morning air, filling my lungs, and taking in the scent of flowers. I set off to visit Professor Oak's lab, just over the hill. Walking up the sandy path didn't take too long, and as I got to the large building, I could make out the Professor's silhouette against the rising sun. We exchanged greetings, and he beckoned me into the building. It had a large interior, filled with a large library of books, most about Pokémon research, and some odd looking contraptions, probably to aid the professor and his assistants in studying Pokémon.

"You're up early", exclaimed the Professor as we entered the building.
"Yes, I am", I replied. "Been waiting for this day for years. To finally have the chance to fulfil my dream as a Pokémon trainer."
"Yes, and I hope you do a good job raising whatever Pokémon you catch on your adventures. There is still much research to be done, and all you trainers help by collecting data about the Pokémon, and sending that information to us via a Pokédex. Ahh, now that reminds me, I have a parcel waiting to be picked up at Viridian City's Poké Mart. Would you be so kind as to collect it for me?"
"Sure thing Prof! But, it can be dangerous without a Pokémon…"
"Oh yes, I almost forgot. Follow me." Professor Oak led me over to a table with three red and white objects. "I'm sure you know what these are, but theres something extra special about these. Theres three Poké Balls each contain one of what are known as starter Pokémon. They will aid you throughout your journey across Kanto, protecting you from harm, and ultimately becoming your best friend."
I stared at the three balls, motionless in their cradles, wondering which Pokémon I wanted to choose.
"Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. Your time has come to choose a Pokémon to aid you on your adventure."
I took a moment to think, thoughts rushing through my mind. Each starter seemed to have great advantages over the others, but at the same time had their weaknesses.
"I'll choose Charmander, the fire type!" I'd made my choice, finally.
"Excellent choice", exclaimed the professor, pleased with my choice it seemed. "Now, some trainers choose to nickname their Pokémon. Years of research has shown that it can strengthen the bond between trainer and Pokémon. Of course, its optional, but the name will stick with the Pokémon forever, so choose wisely."
I took another moment to think to myself. I should probably see what my Pokémon looks like, and maybe talk to it first, and find out its nature.
"Charmander, come out and say hello!" I released my newly acquired Pokémon from its Poké Ball, eager to see my Charmander for the first time. It stood on the ground, gave a yawn, and looked into my eyes. I caught a glint of fiery light in its gaze. The tail burnt with fierce light, casting shadows around us. But something didn't look quite right about it. Instead of being the usual orange colour, it was golden, almost yellow.
I heard Professor Oak muttering to himself, but it was inaudible. "It seems you have a rare species of Charmander, known as a 'Shiny Pokémon.' Not many of these Shiny Pokémon have been seen before, and very little is known about them, but we do know they are all differently coloured to what we are accustomed to seeing."
I knelt down in front of the Charmander. "Hello Charmander. You don't have a name do you?" I thought I saw the flame flicker for a moment, but maybe it was just a trick of the eyes. "My name is Lavender. I'm from Pallet Town too. I live near the bottom of the hill here. Are you a boy or a girl?"
"Hmm, and you need a name too." Another moment to think, "How about Orange. But you're not orange… Maybe Yellow"
"Char" Charmander shook his head.
"Ahhh I have the perfect name." I whispered into Charmander's ears. He looked back and gave me a smile.
"You two seem to be off to a perfect start," Oak said to us. You best be off now, we've spent too much dabbling on small details.
I set off out the lab, telling Oak I'd see him soon with the parcel. As I passed home, my mum came out to see me off.
"I bought a new pair of shoes for you. Now take care."
"Bye mum!" I ran off to Route 1, Charmander by my side.


The journey was extremely uneventful, no wild Pokémon encounters, no trainer battles, but we both traversed the route safely, and at long last, set foot in Viridian City. I saw a group of people huddled around something further along the city's main path, but decided not to see what was happening. I had to collect a parcel for the professor, and wanted it done fast. First I let Charmander take a brief rest at the Pokémon Centre. I took the opportunity to give my legs a rest too. At least an hour or two worth of walking to get here. At least I knew the trip back would be quicker, I'd be able to jump over the little ledges and avoid the tall grass.

I stepped into to the Poké Mart, and was greeted by a friendly face behind the counter.
"Hello, I've come to pick up a parcel for Professor Oak," I said.
"I've been expecting you," the lady said. "The professor sent me mail earlier telling me you were running an errand for him. Here you go."
She walked into the back of the store and reemerged carrying a rather bulky parcel, wrapped in brown paper. I thanked her, and left the store, headed back to Pallet Town.


"Back already?" Professor Oak sounded surprised at my return. "Good to see you made it back safely."
I handed him the parcel. He walked over to a table, set it down and unwrapped it. He urged me to come over, and as I did, he turned around holding a red electronic device.
"This is a Pokédex," he said. "It's capable of cataloguing data from every Pokémon you capture, and will send al the data collected to this laboratory. It also contains your identification details. Now, try register your Charmander in the Pokédex. And what is your Charmander's name?"
"Amber." I pointed the device at Amber, and an electronic voice churned out a small bio of Charmander.
"Brilliant, it works!"
The ringing was sudden, and caused me to jump. "Hello? Ahh ok, I'd been waiting for this for a while." Oak put his phone back in his coat, and looked at me. "I have to go now, I have to do some research with a fellow professor in neighbouring Johto. I have an assistant that will be in change during my absence."
A man walked out of the shadows behind a bookcase, a glint in his eyes.
"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Professor Blackthorn. I'm second in charge of Pokémon research in Kanto, but I mainly study in the shadows, out of the way of the media. What is your name dear?"
"Lavender," I replied.
"Thats a nice name," he said in earnest. "And what is your Charmander's name?"
"Yet another nice name. I hope you two can become a great pair."
"I best be going now," Oak said to us. "Take care, and make sure to collect lots of data about the Pokémon." With that, he was out the door, and I was left alone with Amber and Professor Blackthorn.
"I have a few tips for you, Lavender," the lone professor said. "I've seen many trainers come and go, but they always seem to lack one thing. A bond of perfection with their companions. Sure, a nickname may help, but when catching so many different Pokémon, a trainer loses focus and attempts to spread their love across maybe thirty of forty Pokémon. The Pokémon just don't seem to be as connected to the trainer, and vice versa, as they ought to be. If I can make a suggestion, only travel with those Pokémon you really want to bond with. The first Pokémon you see in each area would be a good guide. Catch them, bond with them, form an inseparable friendship. Should you wish to follow my advice, you may be able to bond with them like no other trainer ever has; such a person would become the ultimate Pokémon Master."
This was a tough decision, forming a bond with the Pokémon, or catching many for research. I decided to compromise and only take a long with me a select few, while still catching many for the sake of research.
Amber and I bid the professor goodbye, and I left the lab. Before I had a chance to leave through the door, Professor Blackthorn stopped me. He handed me five Poké Balls.
"Take these with you. You'll need them to capture your first wild Pokémon."
With that, he turned around and walked back into the shadows of the lab. I put the balls into a small pocket in my bag, and turned to leave out the door. As I was doing so, I thought I saw one less Poké Ball on the table where I had received mine. Possibly another trick of the eyes, and so I dismissed it without another thought.
I stepped into the sun, and wondering what my first wild Pokémon encounter would be, I once again headed off to Route 1.

Link to Pt. II
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 07:24:44 am by tenebraemaximus »



  • Sinnoh/Unova Head Builder
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Re: Pokémon Journeys - Pt. I - The Journey Begins
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2013, 10:12:18 pm »
Updated with a link to Part 2


  • Sinnoh/Unova Head Builder
  • Professor
  • Fighting Agatha
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Re: Pokémon Journeys - Pt. I - The Journey Begins
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2014, 07:16:37 am »
Fixed some spelling mistakes thanks to liquidvamp :P
And some inconsistencies >.>
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 07:24:57 am by tenebraemaximus »