PvP Server > Moderators Applications

SteveTheNoob's Moderater Application


Hi, I'm SteveTheNoob74 and I'm here to help this pokemon server! My irc name will be /nick FartOnTheNoob74. :banana:

This is not really in the format of the moderators application...

If you want to look at a good one for reference, this is Sharks http://www.pokemonserver.net/forum/index.php?topic=2268.0


--- Quote from: WaffleDoc on November 23, 2015, 01:22:04 pm ---This is not really in the format of the moderators application...

If you want to look at a good one for reference, this is Sharks http://www.pokemonserver.net/forum/index.php?topic=2268.0

--- End quote ---

1ce will accept him because of "fart"


--- Quote from: tenebraemaximus on November 24, 2015, 05:47:17 am ---1ce will accept him because of "fart"

--- End quote ---
Well maybe if it is one of the days 1ce is on drugs.  Though this makes me wonder if he has ever gone onto the server when he was high...  He occasionally talks about it on IRC, but no drug talk on the server so maybe not.


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