PvP Server > Problems

Unexplained Money Reset.

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Hi there.

So it seems that my money got reset.  When I logged off the last time doing /bal came up with roughly $1500.  Today I logged on, voted then did /bal and it said $247.

So yeah, i'm a bit confused.  Thanks in advance for your time

PS my in game name is the same as my forum name

I'll look into it. Other admins please post here if there is in fact some reason it was removed that I'm not aware of.

I remember Mario sold a ton of wheat to prod, bankrupting him in a shop, maybe you have a sell shop that you are unaware of?


--- Quote from: BjZrGooD on February 15, 2012, 11:39:01 am ---I remember Mario sold a ton of wheat to prod, bankrupting him in a shop, maybe you have a sell shop that you are unaware of?

--- End quote ---
^ Ive bankrupted Dj numerous times. Its funny until it happens to you.

Ye, tip: Dont buy0 cobble or wood in chest shops.


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