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Paradox's horrible mistake!

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Well my friends, I've had quite the last few days and let me indulge you upon such. On Thursday around 8:30, I was aware that we were going to have an admin meeting. But, I decided "Well, why not install linux before hand so that I can have a handy dandy new OS!". And so I downloaded linux onto my USB, turned off my computer and started to install linux. All was going fine till I had to partition my harddrive. By accident, I overwrote my Windows OS, and when it was all said and done, I had no more windows! well, luckily I had pirated Windows anyways and had no important files, but I couldn't get on TS because Linux is really bad with TS and I couldn't install it. So I went on my phone to use TS, but sadly, my phone froze and it didn't work for about 3 hours till the battery died, and when I charged it and ready to get on, it was already 12. It's been 2 days since then. I still have no TS, no minecraft, no windows. So if you're wondering "Wow, where is Paradox? Does he think he can just leave us without saying goodbye!" or "My  Arceus , why haven't I heard the beautiful duet of Oddy and Paradox's voice join in harmony is such a long time", your questions have been fullfilled.

If it makes you feel better I missed the admin meeting because I got into a car accident, nothing too bad but, lol

I missed too..and no one bothered to text me about because imnotimportant


--- Quote from: Miosio on February 06, 2012, 08:52:18 pm ---I missed too..and no one bothered to text me about because imnotimportant

--- End quote ---

Text you what?

We didn't text because we thought you were just awesome to be bothered by our inadequately worded text messages. Your sheer importance blew us all out of our minds and we didn't know what to do.
We will surely be able to tolerate the magnitude of your importance next time.


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