PvP Server > Server Talk

The Nether

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So I've seen that a lot of people have gotten a three day ban and an item wipe for going to the nether today. My question is just why are people getting punished so severely and why is the nether open if one shouldn't be going there and how does one get to the nether in the first place and these are a lot of questions and I'm using the word and too much. Basically I would like it if someone could explain the current situation of the nether on the server. That's all.

Well, we intended to open it for public use yesterday, with a charge of so many dollars per entrance. We were testing key features, such as how to charge the money, how to remove the spawners and get Blazes spawning naturally instead, and other interesting twists.
We created a portal in the pewter museum to create the only access point on the map, and then disabled portal-creation for regular users. That's the only way we could regulate the location people use to get in. It was then blocked off so that no one could use it while we were testing. The block was made like so, right in front of the portal itself. So in front of the 4x4 box of exposed portal, it had:
O = Obsidian A = Air
So those two Air blocks were there for aesthetic purposes, showing off the nether and how it would soon be open, and unwittingly made very creative individuals find a way in. They used Ender Pearls to teleport through the slot, and land in the portal zone. Who exactly found the exploit is not yet proven, but we are fairly certain based on given evidence. After entering, the individual spread the word to other players, and the group explored and did a very thorough job of cleaning out the world.
I'm fairly hazy on how the Admins found out, or who said what, most of the decisions were made before I logged on. I invite Rigby57 and Zombiedood to fill in this blank portion.
I am positive however, that we have logged proof that we stated (with many of the violators online) that the nether would not be opened for 24 hours after a certain point yesterday.
Quote: [Broadcast] Due to Archie's incessant pestering, the nether will not be opened for another 24 hours.
So none (especially not the initial ones who got in) can say that whey were not aware of the break in the rules. In addition to the use of ender pearls to get around an obvious "I-Can't-Walk-Through-This-Hurr-Durr" blockage.

Basically thanks to Rig being a ever watchful admin we found 1 guilty party that lead to another and another soon enough we had a huge list of players that had been found in the nether and Have Logs to prove it. the item wipe is because we have an admin item shop to help regulate nether related items while we were missing our nether. Somtimes you cant have you cake and eat it too, We couldnt support the nether prior to our upgrade so going into it was a strict No tolerance policy. These players are old vets and all know these basic rules. Yet knowingly went in to line their own pockets at the servers expense. So I made the punishment fit the crime. The bans were simply because I was so frustrated with our older players who should have known better to go and do this. I couldn't have them around while we figured a punishment, most will come back after a 3day ban. A few wont. That's all that needs to be said about this, Thank you for understanding.

Considering some didnt 'Line their pockets' to a certain extent. their punishment should be minimal compared to those who did 'Line their pockets'
just an idea.
For example: I obtained 0 nether warts while in the nether. whereas i did obtain 37 blaze rods (It was actually 18 but my items were doubled when a rollback happened)
I also think their punishment should be decided by their actions after the nether Eg. Did they try to sell stuff that they found in the nether.
I didnt but i know some people who did.

I appreciate you guys clearing this up so I know what exactly is going on now. Here's hoping we can get everything back in order soon.


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