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Karma is a bitch

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If you pay attention at all to forums a couple of days ago I talked about how I was lucky to have unground power lines in case of a storm.  Yet forgetting that the world hates me I did not account for FUCKING LIGHTNING HITTING COMCAST!!! Yes Karma is a bitch, and struck Comcast with lightning, and left me without internet, or cable.  Fucking why....

gg no re

I hope Comcast is able to recover quickly. ._.;

If u do nice things, nice things will happen to you. If you're an ass, you'll get it in the rear.


--- Quote from: LilacLily on September 01, 2015, 03:42:38 pm ---gg no re

I hope Comcast is able to recover quickly. ._.;

--- End quote ---
Luckily they did.  It appears that the lightning only hit one of the server (or whatever they are called), and it just so happened to host my house.  In other words I was the 1% of people effected by it, but as it turns out the branch is hosted off of UCF, and my father asked them to pay attention to it immediately, and they did.  So my internet is back, but the World is still a bitch.


--- Quote from: WaffleDoc on September 01, 2015, 07:06:03 pm ---Luckily they did.  It appears that the lightning only hit one of the server (or whatever they are called), and it just so happened to host my house.  In other words I was the 1% of people effected by it, but as it turns out the branch is hosted off of UCF, and my father asked them to pay attention to it immediately, and they did.  So my internet is back, but the World is still a bitch.

--- End quote ---
your internet got fucked in the rear


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