Pokemon Server Archive

PvP Server => Ban/Punishment-Related => Topic started by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 05:12:09 am

Title: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 05:12:09 am
I should be unbanned. I understand that using a sword whcih is op isn't allowed, but at the time, Honedge had pissed me off to the limit. He kept saying how he was better than me, and kept saying for me to 1v1 him. I said no a couple of times, and then I remembered the sword I found the previous day.
Furthermore, I had only had that sword for two days, and after teaching Honedge a lesson for annoying me, I got rid of it.
I can see how even under angry circumstances, I still had absolutely no right to use that sword, and I can see that now.
Please consider this appeal, and unban me. I apoligize to anyone who was harmed during this event. Nothing like this will ever happen again.
I have made a poll. I get that it won't make much difference to my fate, as admins have the final say, but please take into account that the other users would feel less happy without me online at times.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: textiletrade on August 04, 2013, 05:27:34 am
I think he should be unbanned, we all make mistakes. And i would also like to state the the fact that honedge needs to watch himself, ive seen him several times walking through walls, flying and using forcefield to win gym battles. I have no current proof of this but i'm working on it ;) (This has nothing to do with duckox's ban, honedge is just pissing me right off at the moment) And duck attacking honedge is understandable, he get right under everyone's skin alot of the time, aswell as him doing what i assume was *hacking*, most likely nodus, it just pissed me off that he does stuff liek this and when he provokes you in game i get furious, im not surprised that Duckox did what he did, Something needs to be done about trolls on this server.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: eyoung12ftw on August 04, 2013, 05:37:08 am
duck I want u back but I think u should loose leader then get unbaned
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: textiletrade on August 04, 2013, 05:54:04 am
He cant lose leader, viridian gym is like his life
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: AxZeroCrypt on August 04, 2013, 05:58:10 am
Coming from the victim, the victim of his go damn sharp 1949 sword or axe, I really don't want him perma banned. Temp ban is lovely. Let the admins at the meeting decide.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: donutboy10 on August 04, 2013, 06:01:55 am
First of all, you should've turned over the sword to the Admins when you saw it was illegally enchanted, not smuggle it and use it on people you're "pissed at". Second, you denied the sword had illegal enchants, you simply claimed the people you murdered we're "lagging". Both of those were big no noes. You may be banned until the Admin meeting, which would cause you to lose your gym position. We will know the final decision then most likely.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: textiletrade on August 04, 2013, 06:04:10 am
Question: Why are there illegaly enchanted swords in the game anyway?
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 06:08:19 am
He cant lose leader, viridian gym is like his life

It's not like my life. I originally became gymleader for the benefits, and now I've donated. I am gonna try and get JohtoLeader, because that's less challengers, but still enough to have some fun from time to time.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 06:09:22 am
Btw, where can I find the admin meeting discussions? I found them somewhere, but I never noted where it was.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: ~Ali~ on August 04, 2013, 06:15:47 am
It's in 1ce's signature. I'll make it easier. Click this. (http://www.pokemonserver.net/adminmeetings/)

P.S: Duck shouldn't be banned, honest mistake.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: donutboy10 on August 04, 2013, 06:21:56 am
Question: Why are there illegaly enchanted swords in the game anyway?

Usually from Admins spawning them, dying, and forgetting about them. Kind of like how I'm assuming Duck got his, he killed ILickWindows, got the sword from him, and kept it. This all happened a few days ago, and Duck said he found the sword a few days ago.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Tenebrae on August 04, 2013, 07:37:24 am
I should be unbanned. I understand that using a sword whcih is op isn't allowed, but at the time, Honedge had pissed me off to the limit. He kept saying how he was better than me, and kept saying for me to 1v1 him. I said no a couple of times, and then I remembered the sword I found the previous day.
Furthermore, I had only had that sword for two days, and after teaching Honedge a lesson for annoying me, I got rid of it.
I can see how even under angry circumstances, I still had absolutely no right to use that sword, and I can see that now.

Regardless of the circumstances, you know the rules against unobtainable items. Its listed under Rule2 in /rules.
Quote from: Rules
[2] Unobtainable items must be reported to Admins.

Two days is a long time to hold onto an illegal item, especially something of that power.
You taught Honedge a lesson for annoying you, now you're being taught a lesson for breaking the rules/

Just because one player annoys you by challenging to an unofficial battle does not warrant you to use illegal items to give yourself a sense of achievement. You have /ignore for a reason.

My current stance on this is donate or build.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: textiletrade on August 04, 2013, 07:57:44 am
I dont like what tene said but shes right, only thing i disagree with is i dont think it's worth of a permanent ban. Permanent bans are to keep people off the server, so avoid future conflict. Duck's said hes sorry, and do you really think he'd do something like again? He's learnt his lesson, i think a temp ban would be fitting
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: ~Ali~ on August 04, 2013, 08:05:46 am
He's learnt his lesson, i think a temp ban would be fitting
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: idracoghost on August 04, 2013, 08:19:44 am
so for honedge to stop annoying you ,you killed him with a illegal sword which annoyed him even more
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 08:29:44 am
My current stance on this is donate or build.
I'm really sorry, and I promise it won't happen again. I understand you're mad, but a temp ban is still a bad punishment. If this is going to end up as a permaban, what exactly would I be building, to terminate it?
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Honedge on August 04, 2013, 08:30:14 am
You blamed my death and lag.  You mocked me about it and called me a liar.  Please tell me were you put my prot IV unbreak 3 armor so I can get an admin to retrieve it.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 08:35:24 am
You blamed my death and lag.  You mocked me about it and called me a liar.  Please tell me were you put my prot IV unbreak 3 armor so I can get an admin to retrieve it.
Lol, it broke. I swear, this one isn't a lie. I think I have the axe and the bow, though.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Honedge on August 04, 2013, 08:36:30 am
Lol, it broke. I swear, this one isn't a lie. I think I have the axe and the bow, though.
Impossible, right before I went to bring my P4, I repaired it.  Otherwise your sword can break protection 4 unbreaking 3 armor in 1 hit. 

Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: textiletrade on August 04, 2013, 08:37:22 am
draco, that made no sense. honedge was annoying duck, so duck killed honedge, hence honedge got mad because he got what he deserved.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Honedge on August 04, 2013, 08:38:32 am
draco, that made no sense. honedge was annoying duck, so duck killed honedge, hence honedge got mad because he got what he deserved.
No, I wasn't annoying duckox.  I said "Pvp me." and he said "No.".  Then I said "Put that in your book.".  I would have accepted my death if it was legit.  But it wasn't.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 08:38:47 am
Impossible, right before I went to bring my P4, I repaired it.  Otherwise your sword can break protection 4 unbreaking 3 armor in 1 hit.
It did, it was an op sword, what do you expect?
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: textiletrade on August 04, 2013, 08:41:15 am
It did, it was an op sword, what do you expect?
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: textiletrade on August 04, 2013, 08:41:50 am
and honedge, what i was implying was that you didnt deserve a legit death
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: AxZeroCrypt on August 04, 2013, 09:25:41 am
I have no idea why duck was pissed at me. Anyone care to enlighten me on that? He also blamed my death on lag. And refused to give me back my prot 4 even though he had it. Care to explain duck?
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Honedge on August 04, 2013, 09:29:45 am

Furthermore, I had only had that sword for two days, and after teaching Honedge a lesson for annoying me, I got rid of it.
That's bs.  You got never got rid of it.  Miosio found it in your house.  And what about AxZero?  Was he on your bull shit list as well?
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: AxZeroCrypt on August 04, 2013, 09:35:22 am
That's bs.  You got never got rid of it.  Miosio found it in your house.  And what about AxZero?  Was he on your bull shit list as well?
He was on mine since he killed me with that sword. I don't know why he killed me.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Honedge on August 04, 2013, 09:37:37 am
It did, it was an op sword, what do you expect?
I expected it would still be alive.  Since my armor was just like AxZero's.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 10:16:41 am
No, Honedge, you're bs. I burnt it using the fire in my gym arena. And Zero, I just killed you for your bounty, I intended on giving back your items.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Honedge on August 04, 2013, 10:21:19 am
No, Honedge, you're bs. I burnt it using the fire in my gym arena. And Zero, I just killed you for your bounty, I intended on giving back your items.
How did Mio find it in your house then?  Killing Zero for the bounty was also illegal.  You used an illegal item to get the bounty.  Duckox needs 9.5k drained from his money and a 9.5k bounty back on Zero's head.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: ~Ali~ on August 04, 2013, 10:34:46 am
Guys, cool it. If you're going to argue, take it to the private messages.
But also, grow up will you? I love you guys and all, but don't fight and pick on each other. Just keep it to topic.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: ZobTheSlayer on August 04, 2013, 10:51:05 am
You gotta realize, I was online at the time of these events and he claimed it was " Lag "
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 11:11:20 am
I understand why Zero and Honedge would be annoyed, but everyone else... You have known me on the server long enough to know I am a good guy in general. I didn't look at the concequences on this occaison. Please just try to understand that what happened in the past, happened in the past. I have learnt, and when I think something is unfair, I will scan through the rules to see if it is legal or not, first.
Three people personally dislike me for this, and two have given their reasons. I am open to criticism. I also understand that the ban may be long enough to lose gymleader, I guess I'm okay with that  :-\
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 11:14:19 am
I'll leave the poll open, but if you want to say something about my fate, please message me.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 02:41:10 pm
Unlocked again, for now. I've noticed a few more votes with no explanations.
Based on the comments I have received, I'm restarting the poll and adding different options.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: oddy on August 04, 2013, 03:03:35 pm
Unlocked again, for now. I've noticed a few more votes with no explanations.
Based on the comments I have received, I'm restarting the poll and adding different options.
the polls have 0 impact on the decision made
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: 1cec0ld on August 04, 2013, 03:10:54 pm
1. Signatures will now be officially regulated
2. No more filters on curse words
3. You can no longer trade ranks or give them away. You CAN donate for some one but you can't give them your rank or anything like that.
4. Repair signs only go in homes, not VIP
5. All unobtainable enchants on anything is now illegal. Only legit items that ANYONE can get at any given point. No matter how you got it. You have two weeks to turn in all illegal enchants and you will be refunded with a legal version of that items. If you are found after two weeks with anything illegal, you will be temp-banned and have no compensation. Period
6) Olivine gym is the only gym allowed to have pokemon online as an OPTION (the trainer chooses to pvp or online, not the gym leader)
7) invincibility is no longer at spawn.
8)Reminder if you are a member of any elite you must resign in order to challenge the other elite.
9)Rules for johto gyms have been discussed and left alone you may find them in the Gymleaders thread.

Now assuming that the ONLY infraction here was the possession, use, and failure to report an unobtainable enchant, I believe the punishment was clearly determined almost 6 months ago, with the only missing information being the duration. Build or Donate vs Temp-Ban: Case closed.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 03:29:56 pm
When is the next admin meeting?
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: 1cec0ld on August 04, 2013, 03:35:10 pm
Thursday, we're likely to decide the duration before then, in our own private discussion area.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: WaffleDoc on August 04, 2013, 05:22:48 pm
Hon is a dick he had it comming unban duck
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Okieskinny on August 04, 2013, 05:32:39 pm
Hon is a dick he had it comming unban duck
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Do you have any legitimate input on the situation? I hope you realize that using a weapon of this caliber is against the rules, and is 100% bannable. In the two days he had his hands on the sword, he killed somebody with it each day. He didn't even TRY to keep it hidden at all. After all that he tried flat out lied over and over again. Hon being mean has nothing to do with the final decision either. Why not just avoid posting if all you're going to do is post a ten word sentence that has no reasoning whatsoever?
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: AxZeroCrypt on August 04, 2013, 05:50:36 pm
Hon is a dick he had it comming unban duck
Your opinion on whether a person is a dick or not, doesn't help with the situation.
If it happened to your friend it would be: OMG Duck should stay banned, he killed my friend!
If it happened to Honedge or Me (which it did happen): [size=78%]Hon is a dick he had it comming unban duck[/size]
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: WaffleDoc on August 04, 2013, 05:54:23 pm
Your opinion on whether a person is a dick or not, doesn't help with the situation.
If it happened to your friend it would be: OMG Duck should stay banned, he killed my friend!
If it happened to Honedge or Me (which it did happen): [size=78%]Hon is a dick he had it comming unban duck[/size]
I dont care if people kill my friends Sweaty still thinks on of my best friends in irl is a dick and still kills him when she has the chance but she's still in the top 3 of my fav ppl on the server
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: idracoghost on August 04, 2013, 06:23:37 pm
draco, that made no sense. honedge was annoying duck, so duck killed honedge, hence honedge got mad because he got what he deserved.
I'm saying if honedge was annoying him then why would he fight  him with a un legit item which of course would get honedge more mad, instead of simply /ignore or telling a admin or mod as that what they are for
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: AxZeroCrypt on August 04, 2013, 06:23:48 pm
Am I a dick? Did I have it coming the same way as Honedge? Answer me that Led. Even if it happened to a respectable memeber of the pokeserver community, he should still stay banned until the admin meeting.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: WaffleDoc on August 04, 2013, 06:28:22 pm
Am I a dick? Did I have it coming the same way as Honedge? Answer me that Led. Even if it happened to a respectable memeber of the pokeserver community, he should still stay banned until the admin meeting.
You can be nice and you can be a dick you were really nice when you where Ka but a little less now so Id say you are only a dick at times
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 06:47:15 pm
Can you guys please try to understand that I am truly sorry? Me and Honedge have messaged eachother to an agreement, and now this has fallen out of topic, and people are arguing over whether they just like me or not.
It thing that matters is, I deserve a second chance. I can't shy away from the fact that what I did was illegal, but the way it has ended up was a misunderstanding.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: ~Ali~ on August 04, 2013, 06:48:41 pm
Perfect. A resolution. Duck, lock this topic for now, and see what you can do with the admins in Private. They'll just keep on hammering down if you don't.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: AxZeroCrypt on August 04, 2013, 06:57:50 pm
And no one messages or gives notice to the shit i lost. :/ thanks guys.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Duckox on August 04, 2013, 06:58:11 pm
Perfect. A resolution. Duck, lock this topic for now, and see what you can do with the admins in Private. They'll just keep on hammering down if you don't.
Thanks. For all I know, you have just saved things completely.
Title: Re: Duckox's Ban Appeal
Post by: Paradox on August 04, 2013, 07:50:36 pm
The admins have agreed upon a 3 day temp ban. Case dismissed.