Pokemon Server Archive

PvP Server => Server News => Topic started by: Paradox on March 20, 2012, 10:03:05 pm

Title: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Paradox on March 20, 2012, 10:03:05 pm
Rigby recently introduced that idea of dropping McMMO, our current PVP ranking plugin, and ditching it for a different plugin called Heroes. Obviousley, we as admins want to please the masses to our best abilities, so I believe a poll will help show what people are more in favor of:

Keep mcmmo or drop it and add Heroes?:


Heroes: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/rpg-heroes-v1-4-6-classes-skills-experience-damage-system-1-1r4.27358/ (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/rpg-heroes-v1-4-6-classes-skills-experience-damage-system-1-1r4.27358/)
McMMO: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/mcmmo/ (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/mcmmo/)
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: hixhen1 on March 20, 2012, 10:06:25 pm
MCMMO FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flamethrow: heroes
                                                                                                   ^see heroes is burning in hell
 :banpoop: =heroes
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Ichikunjii on March 20, 2012, 10:23:45 pm
If we can get both that would be cool but someone people wouldnt want to remember multiple commands :P

The Con with changing to Heroes is that, people who worked very hard on their MCMMO stats will just possibly make it go to waste unless they saved it.

Compensation added, repost your opinion.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Rigby on March 20, 2012, 10:24:54 pm
Heroes is more in tune with Pokemon leveling, you can earn "moves" by leveling up just like in Pokemon.
It's much more reliable file wise too, so less full skill resets.
Need I say more?
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Rigby on March 20, 2012, 10:25:42 pm
If we can get both that would be cool but someone people wouldnt want to remember multiple commands :P

The Con with changing to Heroes is that, people who worked very hard on their MCMMO stats will just possibly make it go to waste unless they saved it.

They're incompatible.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Ichikunjii on March 20, 2012, 10:26:46 pm
Rigby I agree..... Maybe Heroes should be like have a mini test run so people can get the feel of it and if people like it then maybe we can keep it? I mean remember what happened to the "spell" deal? I swear people would use that so much I gave up eventually. It was almost impossible to win fights...... Ehh I dont know anymore I am good for what ever.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Ishmalsmiel on March 20, 2012, 10:26:46 pm
Heroes Vote
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Equin0x on March 20, 2012, 10:33:38 pm
In my honest opinion, Heroes is nothing more then a Faction server plugin. Ill be happy to give it a try on the pokeserver but im not sure it will be enjoyed as much. Actually now that McMMO is broken again, it could be a good time to test out Heroes.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Ichikunjii on March 20, 2012, 10:41:09 pm
Id have to agree with Equin0x but then again Equi, they are working on fixing it so maybe they still need it up :P

They be  :grouphug:
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Prodigy39 on March 20, 2012, 10:45:07 pm
I've played around with heros on some servers and I'm not impressed. It is just very dull and mcmmo has more fetures and is more fun to use. If people don't remember their stats if they get lost, that's their problem
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: hixhen1 on March 20, 2012, 10:54:49 pm
heroes is fun short term but long term it gets dull
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Tactic on March 21, 2012, 01:53:37 am
Well I've worked hard to train my McMMO stats and would be quite sad if we drop it. But on the other hand if we change to Heroes then there will be a fresh start and there won't be major differences in stats. I say we test out heroes as I have not yet tested it. I just checked what is heroes and I have to go with McMMO. After all it would be a shame getting mctop just for the McMMO plugin to be dropped. So I vote for McMMO!
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Rigby on March 21, 2012, 01:56:24 am
Did you vote tactic...?
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Tactic on March 21, 2012, 01:59:01 am
Yes look at the edit to my last post.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Rigby on March 21, 2012, 01:59:40 am
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: BjZrGooD on March 21, 2012, 02:11:13 am
McMMO I worked to hard on my stats for them all to be thrown away to shit, NOW MAYBE I would consider heros if we would get some sort of compensation for all my hard work.  :dunno:

Compensation added, rethink your opinion
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Vitto on March 21, 2012, 02:24:21 am
If I get a skill boost right at the start to match my awesome power level in mcmmo, heroes is fine.

But I voted for mcmmo.

Compensation added, rethink your opinion.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: 1cec0ld on March 21, 2012, 03:10:55 am
Out of the EIGHT people who posted an opinion, 4 mmentioned their old stats. Now that compensation is added to the fucking first post, give me a FUCKING REASON not to use Heroes.

Hixhen, Prodigy, not included, because their reasons were actually legitimate.

For the rest of you thick-headed dolts, you suck at logical thinking. THANK YOU FOR READING.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Omastar on March 21, 2012, 03:18:25 am
I think we should continue using mcmmo
There are reasons why we should keep mcmmo and not implement the Heroes plugin, such as mcmmo being much more simple and we already know how to use it
But ultimately it is the admin team's decision about which plugin we should use.

Compensation added, rethink your opinion

Opinion rethought
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: SlamBamActionman on March 21, 2012, 03:26:44 am
Ok, so i guess this if finally my chance to get a saying in this. Have you guys ever noticed how RIDICULOUSLY high peoples mcmmo stats have been? A guy with 5000 in Power Level can easily beat the crap out of any noob, no matter what kind of weaponry. Also, most fights tend to be three seconds short, mainly because someone fucks you up using some highleveled axe skill. Suuuure, no newly joined guy shouldn't be able to beat a veteran, but leveling up mcmmo takes too long! If I were to try to level up my swords skill to let's say 300 from 0, it'd take several weeks, and by then the gym leader i was going to beat with those skills have leveled up ANOTHER 100-200 levels. Basicly, those who joined early got all the easy cheese, while those who join in later on have to work twice as hard to earn all them badges.

I havn't checked out Heroes, i will now and leave a response, but if you were to pick mcmmo, i would heighten the requirement for leveling up, and decreasing peoples levels. That way it would be easier for people who have lower levels to beat over-powered players.

If you wonder how it would be done, i could show you an example. A 100 swords guy facing one with 400, who will win? Obvious. Let's say that they've earned 10000 respectively 40000 exp each (not real Mcmmo requirements!). If we instead of 100 exp for each level, why not make it 200, or even 400? Then it'd be 25 vs 100, which in my opinion is way fairer odds. Sure, it will still be as hard to get exp, but those who got tons wont have the same advantage.

EDIT: I've checked Heroes now, and tbh, I'm not fully sure which plugin we should have. Mcmmo is good for people who want to be the one-man army, without any other weakness than other, more powerful one-man armies. Heroes on the other hand adds more teamwork to it, but there is the possibility that one class would be more powerful than the other, and thus everyone would pick that class.

What i want you to know is that you should not be afraid. It's your server, you should not hesitate to nerf something if it needs it so critically. Sure, maybe a couple of guys get mad, but doesn't that happen every time Obama does something? I'm not siding on any plugin, just giving comments here.

-Slaum ;)
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Vitto on March 21, 2012, 03:55:27 am
Out of the EIGHT people who posted an opinion, 4 mmentioned their old stats. Now that compensation is added to the fucking first post, give me a FUCKING REASON not to use Heroes.

Hixhen, Prodigy, not included, because their reasons were actually legitimate.

For the rest of you thick-headed dolts, you suck at logical thinking. THANK YOU FOR READING.

Ouch! my liver!
I'll check it out, you'll hear from me again later this week, or not. MWUHAHAHHA
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: BjZrGooD on March 21, 2012, 03:57:01 am
Two things, 1. I don't even fucking understand the first post 1ce, call me a derp but explaining it would be helpful. 2. Slambam, a perfect example to prove you wrong is me. I came onto the server in late august, and got banned for 1-2 months (can't remember) So in all reality I actually joined the server in September/October. I came onto this server looking for adventure, (and a bit of trolling). So I came on and me and my friends found the underground duengon of Zombies Mountain. So we trained trained and trained untill we finally all got elite, then I dropped out of elite, challenged for champ, and won. I had to build from the ground up, and train train train to get to where I am. Any noob can do it, they just have to commit to doing it. Stats don't make the deciding factor, sure they play a big role but they are NOT the deciding factor. An example is (don't take offense to this) is Pricey447. Price has 1K axes in his aresenal, but he quotes all the time "I suck at PVP" Even with the 1K axes, he still lost some elite fights.... That's all I haz to say.. For now
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Rigby on March 21, 2012, 04:16:47 am
There's always an exception to every rule, I was one, but that doesn't keep me from believing that most people should be considered over a very select group.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: BjZrGooD on March 21, 2012, 04:19:07 am
Rigby your apart of the ewie group  :fart:
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Tenebrae on March 21, 2012, 04:20:50 am
Why is everybody fighting?  :( 

I've never tried Heroes before, and am curious, but for now, i like mcmmo and all its perks. We all know how to use it, and well, I guess we'll see what happens.. :-\
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: ArchieSalt on March 21, 2012, 04:26:07 am
Although we'll get our stats back i still really dont like it. Ive used heroes on many servers and i have to agree with Hix. Its very dull and a pain to get used to. Anyone who has used mcmmo for a long time will not like the change
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: SlamBamActionman on March 21, 2012, 04:29:58 am
Two things, 1. I don't even fucking understand the first post 1ce, call me a derp but explaining it would be helpful. 2. Slambam, a perfect example to prove you wrong is me. I came onto the server in late august, and got banned for 1-2 months (can't remember) So in all reality I actually joined the server in September/October. I came onto this server looking for adventure, (and a bit of trolling). So I came on and me and my friends found the underground duengon of Zombies Mountain. So we trained trained and trained untill we finally all got elite, then I dropped out of elite, challenged for champ, and won. I had to build from the ground up, and train train train to get to where I am. Any noob can do it, they just have to commit to doing it. Stats don't make the deciding factor, sure they play a big role but they are NOT the deciding factor. An example is (don't take offense to this) is Pricey447. Price has 1K axes in his aresenal, but he quotes all the time "I suck at PVP" Even with the 1K axes, he still lost some elite fights.... That's all I haz to say.. For now

Question: Was that with the use of mob spawner?
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: ArchieSalt on March 21, 2012, 04:31:49 am
Two things, 1. I don't even fucking understand the first post 1ce, call me a derp but explaining it would be helpful. 2. Slambam, a perfect example to prove you wrong is me. I came onto the server in late august, and got banned for 1-2 months (can't remember) So in all reality I actually joined the server in September/October. I came onto this server looking for adventure, (and a bit of trolling). So I came on and me and my friends found the underground duengon of Zombies Mountain. So we trained trained and trained untill we finally all got elite, then I dropped out of elite, challenged for champ, and won. I had to build from the ground up, and train train train to get to where I am. Any noob can do it, they just have to commit to doing it. Stats don't make the deciding factor, sure they play a big role but they are NOT the deciding factor. An example is (don't take offense to this) is Pricey447. Price has 1K axes in his aresenal, but he quotes all the time "I suck at PVP" Even with the 1K axes, he still lost some elite fights.... That's all I haz to say.. For now
finally me and Bjz agree on something. Pricey is crap at PvP. He even admits it. Who wouldnt be crap if they were playing on a laptop with no mouse and about 17FPS. Slam we see what your getting at. But you have weighed down the side of mcmmo. Mcmmo helps but it doesnt decide. Another Example: I fought Rewas plenty of times in E4. I had 850 Taming and he fucked up my dogs easy. We fought and very little of the battle relied on mcmmo. It was all potions and enchants. And who do you think is going to win? A Mac OR A Custom Built Gaming Computer.

I rest my case
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Tactic on March 21, 2012, 04:51:31 am
I know the pain of playing on a laptop with no mouse. Especially when your not even used to it. I am getting used to it tho sort of. Any way I have to agree with bjz and Archie. Battles aren't just won by stats but they are won by skill and technique. And there is no point complaining that people have too high stats because you can get high stats if you don't complain and just train hard. Also I believe thats the point of pokemon to train hard and strive to succeed.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: BjZrGooD on March 21, 2012, 05:09:36 am
I agree with everyone  :D !

Also Slam, no it was just a dark mob room where I trained, trained, and trained.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Rigby on March 21, 2012, 05:09:45 am
In Pokemon, did Brock have a level 100 onyx, I don't think you people realize how it's unfair to the newer players, if you spawn camp them, kill them, and take all their shit. Many, many, many, times.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: BjZrGooD on March 21, 2012, 05:22:11 am
The spawn is no PVP so u can't spawn camp them. AshGang isn't around anymore so no1 really patrols Mt.Moon to kill people. And with Johto opening soon, all the players with high McMMO will probably be moving on from Kanto
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Rigby on March 21, 2012, 06:17:23 am
Dont be a technical asshole about spawn camping. People constantly camp in aress to kill new players.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Paradox on March 21, 2012, 07:44:20 am
Thats a bad argument rigby. Camping will happen no matter what pluggins. and the gym leaders will get high stats in heroes anyways which doesnt get rid of the problem. Once Johto opens, like previously stated, we can move all the good peole to Johto.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: TAlegends on March 21, 2012, 08:03:55 am
vote fore MCMMO !!
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: 1cec0ld on March 21, 2012, 08:10:47 am
vote fore MCMMO !!

Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: SlamBamActionman on March 21, 2012, 11:39:56 am
True dat

My reasoning why people want Mcmmo? Because we've had it for so damn long, and if we want to take a look at society, we can easily see how old people wanting life to be like the past, when things were not too complicated for their brains to understand.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Vitto on March 21, 2012, 12:06:08 pm
I checked it, but I choose for MCMMO.

Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: ArchieSalt on March 21, 2012, 12:34:30 pm
In Pokemon, did Brock have a level 100 onyx, I don't think you people realize how it's unfair to the newer players, if you spawn camp them, kill them, and take all their shit. Many, many, many, times.
Its almost impossible to camp now. You disabled PvP In the best places because people camped there.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: ArchieSalt on March 21, 2012, 12:35:16 pm
True dat

My reasoning why people want Mcmmo? Because we've had it for so damn long, and if we want to take a look at society, we can easily see how old people wanting life to be like the past, when things were not too complicated for their brains to understand.
He summed us up in a couple of sentences.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Pricey447 on March 21, 2012, 03:17:57 pm
I take no offence i am shit at pvp the only reason i am slightly good is because of my axe level
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Equin0x on March 21, 2012, 05:00:28 pm
Most of the people who voted for McMMO voted so because "they worked hard on their stats" and others because you want to stay at /mctop (<--- people want to feel above others) you all should know whatever you work on wont be with you for the rest of your life. Eventually all the players on the server will have every stat above 1k or maxed out the stats abilities. Heroes on the other hand maxes out a little faster and allows you to change what your majoring at (Dragoon, Miner, Alchemist, etc.). What I propose is we use Heroes for a couple days or weeks and see how it goes. Who knows, you all might like it better.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: TAlegends on March 21, 2012, 05:02:11 pm
there ar people who love mcmmo more then heroes and there are people who want it because we have it fore so long and there are people who like heroes more ...
im one off the people who loves mcmmo more .
and if you look to votes im not the only one :D
thats why 1ce
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Equin0x on March 21, 2012, 05:04:17 pm
there ar people who love mcmmo more then heroes and there are people who want it because we have it fore so long and there are people who like heroes more ...
im one off the people who loves mcmmo more .
and if you look to votes im not the only one :D
thats why 1ce
That's not the point, 1ce wants to know WHY people like McMMO better. Because we had it longer and is simple isn't really a good response.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Prodigy39 on March 21, 2012, 05:26:39 pm
Heroes is the best plugin ever... for short terms. Long terms it gets very boring and is forgotten easily. How do I know this? KoA server. Mcmmo ftw.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: CKDavid on March 21, 2012, 06:07:12 pm
As others have said before me, I think we should give Heroes a test run and see how it plays out on the server. The best place to see what's better is our own server, in my opinion.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Rigby on March 21, 2012, 06:49:57 pm
KoA server is a terrible example, it's bad no matter what plugins it would have. The admins were bad, the server was set up poorly and was flat out boring.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: BjZrGooD on March 21, 2012, 07:53:36 pm
Never the less it is a response
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: FFirebrandd on March 21, 2012, 08:23:12 pm
I vote for backing up the mcmmo stats and giving heroes a try.  It can't hurt anything.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: TAlegends on March 22, 2012, 02:39:35 am
Heroes is the best plugin ever... for short terms. Long terms it gets very boring and is forgotten easily. How do I know this? KoA server. Mcmmo ftw.

if youre looking fore a reason equin0x there ya go .
and its the plugin that counts not KOA if you dident enjoy it on another server what would ya make it enjoy it on poke ?
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: 1cec0ld on March 22, 2012, 07:56:58 am
One word: Me.

Along with Rigby, we have a very creative and pokemon-literate configuration team working on your plugin setups. I have faith that I can make the configuration better than any standard the KoA server could imagine. So no, it's not the plugin that counts. It's how the plugin is set up. Especially a plugin with so much flexibility as Heroes appears to have.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Vithrus on March 22, 2012, 08:40:32 am
Do it quickly, Ice... l :grouphug:et's try heroes for a few weeks, and then go back if we have to. Everyones whininb about the 7 day mcmmo rollback anyway, now is a good opportu ity to try it.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: TAlegends on March 22, 2012, 12:54:24 pm
Sorry im against heroes 1ce ...
I disslike it .
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: vance101 on March 22, 2012, 02:51:41 pm
KoA server is a terrible example, it's bad no matter what plugins it would have. The admins were bad, the server was set up poorly and was flat out boring.
i agree with that i was going to say that but changed my mind because i wasn't on it for long
but i guess i want a trial version for heroes to XD
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: MasterAssassin on March 22, 2012, 02:52:56 pm
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: 1cec0ld on March 22, 2012, 03:08:03 pm

Another mindless drone not giving squat for a reason...  :mad: :rant:
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: TAlegends on March 23, 2012, 02:35:49 am
1ce here are some reasons  :D
- every1 loves how mcmmo works .
- every1 is use to mcmmo .
- every1 trained alot with mcmmo (exept new members) .
- Close to every1 enjoys training with mcmmo .
- And old members dont wane lose there stats .
 (wich is normal if you have been training non stop)
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: liquidfired on March 23, 2012, 04:01:12 am
1ce said the mcmmo stats will be contributed to the hero stats.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Vithrus on March 23, 2012, 08:14:45 am
Sonwhatdoes that mean? Contributed to heroes stats?
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: TAlegends on March 23, 2012, 12:52:10 pm
If mcmmo comes back could admins pleas accept pic's from stats because I want mine back .
Because last time we could do it and now people actualy took screeny's to prevent a reset its not alowed .
this is a picture from my stats .
http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l581/thelegend1996/MCSTATS.png (http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l581/thelegend1996/MCSTATS.png)
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: TAlegends on March 23, 2012, 09:56:10 pm
Tactic i think every1 realy wants his skills back .
So if you want youre skills back post it !
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: TAlegends on March 23, 2012, 10:16:39 pm
post here they cant delete this one tactic :D
and i talked to rigby and the only reason i got was :
im like realy ? we train over 1000 skills and thats what we get ?
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Tactic on March 23, 2012, 10:18:38 pm
Oh well. It could be possible to have them restored by screen shots but I guess its fair to the newbies now.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: TAlegends on March 23, 2012, 10:24:18 pm
last time we got them back with screenys and now we take screeny's incase this happens again and then were not allowed to get them back with screeny's ...
I realy dont understand it anymore ...
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Tactic on March 23, 2012, 11:54:54 pm
http://www.pokemonserver.net/forum/index.php?topic=497.0 (http://www.pokemonserver.net/forum/index.php?topic=497.0)
I think we should stop complaining like 6 year olds now. We should feel lucky to even be on the server.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Vithrus on March 24, 2012, 07:43:05 am
^ Agreed, Tactic. The admins have so much other shit to deal with.

And I'm sure this business with Heroes too has the admins boggled - Can you think of this too - Heroes implemented will/could change the way Gyms are run too. What if you're a ranger type that by Heroes /edit can't use like uh, iron armor, and the gym allows up to iron armor, or can't use a bow, and its a bow gym etc.

Admins are busy :)
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: Paradox on March 25, 2012, 05:45:47 pm
Honestly, I can't believe most of you. Do you think we're trying to destroy the server? With server changes and hosting switches, to have less lag and more plugins, we've lost a few stats here and there and have restored them to a considerable extent. We're spending hours on end trying to get plugins up, build Johto alone, make the regions, deal with complaints, fix gyms that are still not restored, make new ranks, and all you do is complain. Honestly, it's horrible. We spend a good 6-8 hours possibly a day working for you guys, and it's a pretty thankless job, we just get yelled at then people make posts saying if we make more topics, then they'll listen to us! We're not ignoring cause we think it's funny, we have a shit ton of stuff going on.
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: vance101 on March 27, 2012, 03:10:14 pm
Honestly, I can't believe most of you. Do you think we're trying to destroy the server? With server changes and hosting switches, to have less lag and more plugins, we've lost a few stats here and there and have restored them to a considerable extent. We're spending hours on end trying to get plugins up, build Johto alone, make the regions, deal with complaints, fix gyms that are still not restored, make new ranks, and all you do is complain. Honestly, it's horrible. We spend a good 6-8 hours possibly a day working for you guys, and it's a pretty thankless job, we just get yelled at then people make posts saying if we make more topics, then they'll listen to us! We're not ignoring cause we think it's funny, we have a shit ton of stuff going on.
appoint more people for positions XD
Title: Re: McMMO vs. Heroes
Post by: ArchieSalt on March 27, 2012, 03:26:41 pm
Honestly, I can't believe most of you. Do you think we're trying to destroy the server? With server changes and hosting switches, to have less lag and more plugins, we've lost a few stats here and there and have restored them to a considerable extent. We're spending hours on end trying to get plugins up, build Johto alone, make the regions, deal with complaints, fix gyms that are still not restored, make new ranks, and all you do is complain. Honestly, it's horrible. We spend a good 6-8 hours possibly a day working for you guys, and it's a pretty thankless job, we just get yelled at then people make posts saying if we make more topics, then they'll listen to us! We're not ignoring cause we think it's funny, we have a shit ton of stuff going on.
appoint more people for positions XD
^ Although you have already. Maybe some more would be helpful.