Author Topic: Pokémon Journeys - Pt. III - Path to Pewter  (Read 4036 times)


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Pokémon Journeys - Pt. III - Path to Pewter
« on: June 20, 2013, 03:59:38 am »
Part III is finally here! Hopefully Part IV will be out quicker. If you've forgotten my story, make sure to re-read the first two parts.

Link to Beginning
Link to Pt. II

I woke with a start. The whole building was shaking, and there was a loud rumbling sound coming from somewhere outside. It was still dark, so I crept out of bed and made my way over to the light switch, hand against the wall to keep my balance. I put on a pair of slippers and ran outside of my room and up the stairs to the main floor in the Pokémon Centre. There were a few other people coming up the stairs too, probably also woken by the noise. I ran out the front door and saw a bright white light making its way east. The rumbling had stopped by then, and I watched the light disappear over the horizon.


After catching up on my sleep, I left the Pokémon Centre. I thought it was quite nice of them to provide free accommodation to travelling trainers. I turned and started my way to Route Two. Once again there were a group of people huddled further along the path, but this time I have to go past them. I tried to push through, but got knocked back out of the crowd. I didn't want to have to wait for the crowd to dissipate, because I knew it would be dark by then. I walked off to the side, but there was a giant ledge that was too high to climb over. I resigned and walked back over to the crowd to try get past again. This time I let out Amber, hoping he might ward off some people. After a moment, the crowd parted and a young man with aqua blue hair emerged. He walked up to me and looked me in the eye.

"You're a trainer," he said stolidly. He looked down at Amber. "Hello Pokémon," he said again, in the exact same tone as he addressed me.
"Hi," I replied weakly, not exactly knowing how to answer. Amber just looked up at the man.
"Are you heading to the gym?"
I nodded, feeling a bit intimidated.
"The gym here is closed. The leader is out on a mission across Kanto. I heard he'll be back in a few months though. I suggest you head to the next city, Pewter, I know the leader there loves to fight new trainers."
I nodded in acknowledgement. "T-t-t-thanks," I stuttered, feeling nervous.
"Before you head off, whats your name?"
"Lavender," I replied with more confidence than earlier. "Whats your name?"
"My name is Cyan," he replied. "I would ask for the pleasure to battle, but there are people around us. Perhaps another day." He walked off towards the Pokémon Centre.
"W-wait!" I called after him, but he was already turning the corner.
The crowd was murmuring amongst themselves. I walked through them, and walked towards the edge of the city, where I could follow the path to Pewter City.


Walking along the hot sandy paths of Route Two was exhausting. I stayed out of the tall grass, not wanting to waste any energy on the hike battling against Pokémon. The whole way, I was wondering about the mysterious Cyan person, and why he was amidst the crowd of people, and even if he had a Pokémon himself. Dwelling on these thoughts, I trekked the rest of the route, not seeing a single living object the whole way.


'Viridian Forest' read the sign. I peered in past the trees, but the light was dim.
"Amber, we're gonna need your tail fire to light the way!"
"Char," Amber replied. He walked out ahead of me, tail in hand, and we entered the forest.

"Its dark in here Amber," I whispered to Amber. "I feel like something is watching us."
"Cha!?" Amber spun around. Instinctually I turned around too, startled by what may be behind us. I saw a twig fall to the ground, and rustle amongst some leaves on the ground. That must've been what the sound was, I thought. Just a stick.
The two of us ventured deeper into the forest. I saw a sign, and using Amber's tail flame, read the text.
'Weaken Pokémon before attempting to capture! When healthy, they may escape!'
As if any trainer wouldn't know the basics to capturing wild Pokémon, I said in my head. I decided to disregard and other signs I may come across; I didn't want to waste my time in this spooky place reading signs that told me stuff I already knew.

I trudged through the dark forest, Amber at my side. I tripped over a log, and fell flat on my face. When I looked up, there was a worm staring me in the face. I screamed, and Amber let out a huge belch of fire. It engulfed the worm, the flames casting eerie shadows around us, while in the middle I could distinctly make out the shape of some kind of Pokémon. I pulled out my Pokédex.
"Caterpie, the worm Pokémon," it said. "It is covered with a green skin. When it grows, it sheds the skin, covers itself with silk, and becomes a cocoon."
As my Pokédex finished reciting Caterpie's entry, Amber's torrent of flame stopped, and a pile of ashes fell to the ground. I just stared at the small mound, still a few burning ashes still floating around. It struck me with utter disbelief that a Pokémon just died before my eyes, by my own Pokémon. It took me a moment to regain myself.
"Amber," I said. "We have to keep moving. I want to get out of this place as quickly as possible."
"Going so soon?" A voice behind me said.
I turned around, and my eyes met the chest of a young man, whose shirt I recognised. I looked up and saw an colour I'd only ever seen once before, but had burned itself in my memory.
"We meet again, Lavender," Cyan said. "Shame about that Caterpie." He beckoned at the pile of ashes, the flames now smouldering. "A fully evolved Goldfree would have been a great addition to your team."
"I didn't mean to…" I didn't know what to say. It'd come as a huge shock Pokémon could be killed so easily. "I didn't think Pokémon could die."
"You have a lot to learn then, Lavender. Go Bulbasaur!"
Cyan let a Bulbasaur out of a Pokéball. Amber turned around to face it.
"Part of being a Pokémon trainer is learning how to control your Pokémon," called out Cyan.
"Go Pierce!" I shouted out, and released Pierce from his Pokéball. The little Rattata bared his fangs, and let out a menacing hiss. "Pierce, used Quick Attack!"
Pierce shot out towards Cyan's Bulbasaur, which just sidestepped the attack. Then the Bulbasaur spun around and lashed out vines towards Pierce. Pierce wasn't quite fast enough, as was knocked to the side, unconscious. I returned Pierce to his Pokéball, and told Amber to finish off the Bulbasaur. Amber let out a torrent of flame in Bulbasaur's direction. Once again Bulbasaur sidestepped the attack, and the flames engulfed a tree behind where the Bulbasaur had been standing. A group of bug Pokémon scurried out of the tree, some on fire, others looking afraid. Their tree was on fire. I wanted to help them, but the fire had already engulfed the surrounding trees too. Amber and Bulbasaur were still battling it out, but Bulbasaur was too fast. Every time Amber let loose fire, Bulbasaur would just sidestep the attack. Trees were ablaze everywhere. I could only watch as the battle ensued, Amber burning down everything in his attempts to defeat Bulbasaur. A Beedrill flew out of a tree behind me knocking me over as it flew past, making a beeline straight for the two fighting Pokémon.
"Amber, watch out!" I called out to Amber. Amber spun around, and ducked out of the way, the Beedrill just missing him. Amber targeted his attacks at the offending Beedrill, but had to defend against Bulbasaur too.
"No fair," I called out to Cyan. "It's two on one!"
"Thats fine," Cyan called back. "The battle will have to end soon. The Pewter Police are on their way right now."
"WHAT!?!? Why?"
"Can't you see why yourself? Its not like you have to look very hard."
"No way," I whispered to myself. "Amber, we need to get out of here!!!"
Amber let out another burst of flame, and the Beedrill fell to the ground, smouldering. Cyan's Bulbasaur tried to follow Amber, but a burning tree fell over just in front of it.
"Amber we need to get out of this place fast!"
Amber nodded, and we both ran northwards, towards a section of forest that hadn't yet been consumed by flames. The fire was catching up fast though, and we made it through the trees just in time. I turned around and watched the flames rise up into the forest canopy.
"Amber, you are very powerful…"
Amber looked at me, nodded and grinned, but his face was shadowed by the dancing flames, an eerie sight to look upon.
We turned around, and continued heading north, but running this time. The fire kept pace with us. We reached a building at the end of the path, but it was empty. Nobody around to notify that there was a forest fire just beyond. I walked out the other side of the building and was met by a small bird. I looked down at it, and it squawked at me. Amber unleashed a flame from his mouth all over the bird. I threw one of PokéBalls at it, and watched it shake. One shake, then two shakes, then three shakes. Then it was still, and I picked up the PokéBall, and put it on my belt with the other two.
"Lets get to the Pokémon Centre in Pewter City, Amber," I said to Amber. "We're gonna need to heal my new Pidgey. It seems to have been injured somehow."
Amber nodded, and we set forth again. I looked behind me, at billowing black clouds of smoke rising into the sky, emanating from Viridian Forest.
This will be a hard one to explain, I thought and continued walking, Pewter City not too far off now.

Link to Part IV
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 07:50:22 am by tenebraemaximus »



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Re: Pokémon Journeys - Pt. III - Path to Pewter
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2013, 06:55:42 am »
Lol yay, I got a mention of sorts :3

I think it's coming along well and the realism is cool. :)
Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
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Re: Pokémon Journeys - Pt. III - Path to Pewter
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2013, 07:10:21 am »
Lol yay, I got a mention of sorts :3

I think it's coming along well and the realism is cool. :)

It needs realism :P Otherwise it just ends up being another childish story. And yes, there will be some more interesting plot developments soon too =D


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Re: Pokémon Journeys - Pt. III - Path to Pewter
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2013, 09:36:31 pm »
He walked off towards the Pokémon Centre.
Other wise great.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 09:39:47 pm by doubleArmageddon »


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Re: Pokémon Journeys - Pt. III - Path to Pewter
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2013, 09:40:00 pm »
Other wise great.

Where is this spelling mistake?


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Re: Pokémon Journeys - Pt. III - Path to Pewter
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2013, 09:41:49 pm »
Nvm my bad british.


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Re: Pokémon Journeys - Pt. III - Path to Pewter
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2013, 10:14:50 pm »
Updated with link to part IV