Author Topic: Why Japan?  (Read 15552 times)


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Why Japan?
« on: August 05, 2015, 02:04:36 pm »
Ok it is not a surprise that many of the people on the server like to watch anime in their free time.  Also as many people know anime tends to be on the "weird" side of things in the world.  It is for this reason I have decided to make a thread dedicated to any weird characters in anime, or just fucked up concepts in anime that you have seen.  This is not limited to plot, and could be about a specific character.  Also hentai plot lines, and characters are allowed, but don't talk about it being weird just because of the sexual acts preformed.  After you decided what anime/character you want to talk about just write the name of the anime.  Then the name of the character if you want to talk about a specific character.  Then proceed by listing what is fucked up about that anime/character.

I will start it off

Seikon No Qwaser:
If anyone has seen this show they know why it is fucked up.  To be perfectly honest it is a great show with an awesome story, but... why Japan?  This anime has protagonists with the ability to control elements by sucking Soma (aka breast milk).  Yes I am not fucking kidding.  They really do become badasses just by drinking fucking breast milk.  It is also not just limited to the ridicules explanation to how they use their powers.  There is also the lesbian loli with the odd obsession with making people her slaves. Also you can never forget the 13 year old Russian protagonist with the breast fetish!  Though all the screwed up shit in this anime aside I highly recommend it.

So what anime do you briefly want to talk about?  Also the first person to bring up Boku no Pico is gonna get bitch slapped.



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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2015, 02:10:43 pm »
Also the first person to bring up Boku no Pico is gonna get bitch slapped.
* tymac raises hand uncomfortably

What's Boku no Pico?

* tymac covers head with hands attempting not to get bitch-slapped
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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2015, 02:30:01 pm »
* tymac raises hand uncomfortably

What's Boku no Pico?

* tymac covers head with hands attempting not to get bitch-slapped
Why don't you look it up yourself?  I am sure you will have a blast! :laugh:


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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2015, 08:55:56 pm »
If Boku no Pico is taboo, then lets discuss Bible Black.

It recently had its 15 year anniversary I think. I just loved how dark the story was.


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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2015, 09:02:44 pm »
If Boku no Pico is taboo, then lets discuss Bible Black.

It recently had its 15 year anniversary I think. I just loved how dark the story was.
Ughhh I should have said hentai is not allowed... That aside I enjoyed it at points, but all through out it was really weird with summoning satan and shit.  Plus the chicks with dicks...

Also let me remind you that you shouldn't just start a conversation.  Briefly discuss what it is about so people that have not watched it get the jist of what it is, and why it is fucked up.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 09:04:57 pm by WaffleDoc »


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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2015, 09:08:58 pm »
Though seeing Tene already said a hentai I will put another one in that will give people on Tumblr heart attacks :D

Crimson Girls:
This hentai is all about a man who is obsessed with dominating proud, and strong women to the point that they are his slaves.  He has the unique ability to control people with a weak will, and this is also the reason why he is fond of strong people.  In this case he is targeting the organization named Crimson Girls.  They are a underground organization that ttys to protect the public from molestation, and rape.  However the protagonist being very fond of rape goes out of his way to rape the entire organization! :D


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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2015, 03:59:12 am »
Gakuen de jikan yo tomare: A guy wants to get revenge on his father for something so he wants to destroy everything precious to him. A mysterious girl gives him a stopwatch that allows him to stop time. He goes on a raping spree in the all girls school that his dad owns.


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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2015, 04:11:32 am »
Gakuen de jikan yo tomare: A guy wants to get revenge on his father for something so he wants to destroy everything precious to him. A mysterious girl gives him a stopwatch that allows him to stop time. He goes on a raping spree in the all girls school that his dad owns.
Actually it was for what he didn't do. The father turned him, and his mother away refusing that it was his kid, and the mother died.  So in a twisted fucked up kind of way he decided to cream pie his two half-sisters before doing the same to everyone else in the school.  Ok now I will try to pick an anime that is not hentai to hopefully get this thread away from hentai.

This is a good anime at points, but I would only say that it is only a good time killer anime.  What is weird about this anime lies in its plot.  It is a show about transforming can girls... Yes I literally mean drink cans...  The Japanese government has decided to have a battle between aluminum, and steel cans to figure which one is better.  But what better way to find out then have magical can type things that transform into girls when you start to drink out of them!  This anime was funny at points, but the action which is where the story revolves around was not that good.  Honestly if you just watch anime lightly go find something else because it is not all that good

I thought I would try to predict which anime will be talked about next so I decided to put it in a spoiler.  You can try to have some fun by contributing to the thread before looking at my prediction.  But you could also just be a dick, and look at my prediction so you purposely don't pick it.

My prediction:
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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2015, 08:39:39 pm »
The Sacred Blacksmith

This is a very interesting anime. With some digging you can find a lot of animes with similar stories but I really liked this one. Anyone else seen it?
As for weird parts, the fact that not only can you magically forge a katana in a few moments from a lump of iron and a hilt, but also that a sword can turn into a girl. Only in Japan...

Now lets add:
Guilty Crown
Kill la Kill
Code Geass
Angel Beats
Eureka Seven
and of course all the (player gets stuck in video game) animes
« Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 08:49:12 pm by Warmonger_2 »
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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2015, 08:49:21 pm »
The Sacred Blacksmith

This is a very interesting anime. With some digging you can find a lot of animes with similar stories but I really liked this one. Anyone else seen it?
As for weird parts, the fact that not only can you magically forge a katana in a few moments from a lump of iron and a hilt, but also that a sword can turn into a girl. Only in Japan...
Finally someone who understands how the thread works!

Though to reply to this post I have not seen that yet, and I believe I will check it out.


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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2015, 08:56:37 pm »
Ok so my prediction was wrong as it was Kiss x sis so I will write a thing for it

Kiss x Sis:
This is the anime that defines wincest, despite the relationships between the family not being bound by blood.  It is about a younger brother that is being pursued by his two twin step sisters that will do any range of things hand jobs (Ova) to letting him eat their chocolate lipstick (and yes it is applied).  Now this is honestly a very funny anime yet if you are into anime with tons of plot then you will feel like killing yourself (I almost dropped it).  However one of the most surprising aspects to this anime is the parents in the relationship.  Instead of trying to make their children avoid taboo they encourage it!  Yes they encourage the relationships between their own children! And as Warmonger said
Only in Japan...

Also for anyone trying to figure out what to talk about.  How about giving Kodomo no Jikan a try?
« Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 09:00:05 pm by WaffleDoc »


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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2015, 09:54:42 am »
Ok so my prediction was wrong as it was Kiss x sis so I will write a thing for it

Kiss x Sis:
This is the anime that defines wincest, despite the relationships between the family not being bound by blood.  It is about a younger brother that is being pursued by his two twin step sisters that will do any range of things hand jobs (Ova) to letting him eat their chocolate lipstick (and yes it is applied).  Now this is honestly a very funny anime yet if you are into anime with tons of plot then you will feel like killing yourself (I almost dropped it).  However one of the most surprising aspects to this anime is the parents in the relationship.  Instead of trying to make their children avoid taboo they encourage it!  Yes they encourage the relationships between their own children! And as Warmonger said 

Also for anyone trying to figure out what to talk about.  How about giving Kodomo no Jikan a try?

Riko or Ako? I prefer Riko, better personality, it kinda reminds me of myself.

Now, Kodomo no Jikan, I have seen that actually, although I couldn't find the last episode subbed so I had to watch it in Japanese... It started off alright, nothing over the top and a lot of experimentation, but around the last few episodes it got really weird. Public humiliation just isn't my thing... I wouldn't recommend it to others, theres better stuff out there...

Anyone seen Hatsu Inu?


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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2015, 10:41:18 am »
Riko or Ako? I prefer Riko, better personality, it kinda reminds me of myself.

Now, Kodomo no Jikan, I have seen that actually, although I couldn't find the last episode subbed so I had to watch it in Japanese... It started off alright, nothing over the top and a lot of experimentation, but around the last few episodes it got really weird. Public humiliation just isn't my thing... I wouldn't recommend it to others, theres better stuff out there...

Anyone seen Hatsu Inu?

I would have to say that I don't really have a preference over the two simply because I found the show so ridicules at points I never took it seriously enough to make a preference.

Though I do tend to agree with the humiliation stuff.  When I am watching anime, and I find the protagonist in an awkward situation I usually take my headphones off immediately, and pause the video just because I don't wanna see how it ends.  Even so I still did like Kodomo no Jikan because there was more to it than just humiliation, and it is one of the most well known loli anime ever.

To answer your last question I have not seen it, but from the description I read of it, it seems pretty... screwed up.  I know this is for the second one, but this is the description I got "Fukaya accidentally breaks Fujino’s vibrator so he takes her to a sex shop to get another. While there, they have passionate sex in the dressing room and Fukaya mentions how quiet she is and how she never needs to be less quiet when they do it in public. Fujino comes to the conclusion that she needs to be louder for him and tries to get Mita to help her, while the Nurse has to tell Fukaya why Fujino is acting differently."


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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2015, 06:42:20 pm »
Well I was watching my favorite anime currently airing when I realized in many ways it was fucked up.  So I thought that I would spread the message through this thread.  Without further ado.

Prison School:
Prison School is an anime that takes place in a high school that has just allowed 5 guys to enroll for the first time.  Everything is all good until said guys are caught watching the girls bathe.  They are then forced to build there own prison to which escape means severe punishment.  They are forced through hard Manuel labor every day by the sadist vice president, but they must find a way to escape so one of the inmates can go on a date.

This is just a brief description of the plot.  However this anime is absolutely hilarious with a bit of dark humor in it.  If you just wanna laugh then if you watch this anime it will not leave you hanging.  I recommend this anime to every person you could possibly imagine, but just so you know the reason this anime is fucked up is because they are denied their human rights.

I also know that this is a very bad way to describe the anime.  However I just could not figure out how to describe it.  If anyone else is watching it, and wants to give it a better description please do.  Though this is an amazing anime, and I hope more people will watch it.


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Re: Why Japan?
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2015, 09:22:18 pm »
Well I was watching my favorite anime currently airing when I realized in many ways it was fucked up.  So I thought that I would spread the message through this thread.  Without further ado.

Prison School:
Prison School is an anime that takes place in a high school that has just allowed 5 guys to enroll for the first time.  Everything is all good until said guys are caught watching the girls bathe.  They are then forced to build there own prison to which escape means severe punishment.  They are forced through hard Manuel labor every day by the sadist vice president, but they must find a way to escape so one of the inmates can go on a date.

This is just a brief description of the plot.  However this anime is absolutely hilarious with a bit of dark humor in it.  If you just wanna laugh then if you watch this anime it will not leave you hanging.  I recommend this anime to every person you could possibly imagine, but just so you know the reason this anime is fucked up is because they are denied their human rights.

I also know that this is a very bad way to describe the anime.  However I just could not figure out how to describe it.  If anyone else is watching it, and wants to give it a better description please do.  Though this is an amazing anime, and I hope more people will watch it.

I put prison school on hold until the blu-Rays are out. The censorship is so bad in it...