so, now that im actually playing on the server, i feel as tho all the "lack of world pvp" complaints may be viable... everyone is able to train in safe zones very efficiently, people dont really venture outside of these safe zones, and it makes the risk not really there. granted world pvp has been cause of complaints in the past i also think its what help build the server, a game without risk loses interest and right now theres no real risks people have to take with no "wild trainer battles".
now i know what your thinking "but oddy theres wild 2 battle arena and the route west of viridian city"
2 things. 1. people go there willingly so they are lacking a fore mentioned risk factor, 2, people rarely go there it seems.
now your probably saying "oddy what are we going to do dictate people to go into pvp open areas"
i think not. i have two potential solutions take them or leave them.
Possible solution number 1(easier). eliminate safe routes, make it so any non-city region is pvp. even route 1 as its damn good for training, this however comes with the obvious negative that new players will most likely be camped at spawn, i hope you dont take this route but hey saying it anyway.
Possible solution number 2(more ideal,May require paradox assistance). Configure Mobs in grass plugin to only spawn mobs in areas without the pvp-deny flag.
annnnd thats it theres probably more solutions but im just giving quick thoughts on the subject please leave feedback and let me know how you feel.
<--- my 2 cents