
Legalization or not?

Legalize everything
8 (38.1%)
Legalize only the things that are useful in medicine and don't cause much harm.
7 (33.3%)
I don't want legalization at all.
2 (9.5%)
I support decriminalization, not total legalization.
2 (9.5%)
I don't give a fuck.
2 (9.5%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: Drugs  (Read 9863 times)


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« on: November 17, 2013, 08:48:43 pm »
I want to know about the server member's opinions of drugs (everything: weed, shrooms, acid, heroin, crack, meth, etc.).  Good, bad, or in between?  Do you hate the very thought of drugs?  Are you fine with all drugs? Have you tried weed or anything like it?

In my opinion, some things should be legalized but others shouldn't be.  For example, shrooms and weed have medicinal effects.  Shrooms can reduce migraine headaches.  Weed can reduce symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, it can almost completely reduce the symptoms of extreme epilepsy (read the story on the Charlotte's Web strain), and it can do many other things.  It is much less cancerous than cigarettes (cannabis has no known carcinogens when vaporized; smoke still contains CO), it makes people calm and stuff, and people typically don't commit crimes while high.

     On the other hand, things like heroin, morphine, crack, meth, PCP, etc. tend to be the opposite.  They can kill you, they have extremely high tolerance levels, they are extremely addictive, and it is fairly easy to overdose on them (THC on the other hand, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, needs to be consumed to more than an adult's body weight before it reaches lethal levels).  There is a clear line to draw with "drugs" and drugs, then. 

    If certain things are legalized, organized crime rates go down.  Think about prohibition.  During that time, there were speak-easys in almost every city and organized crime such as Al Capone ruled the black market.  Crime was at an all-time high because of this.  In Amsterdam, by percentage, there are almost half as many cannabis users.  Also, the hard drug crime rate has gone down and stagnated.  The price of it has also gone down.  There is a benefit to legalizing the soft drugs then.

I wanna hear your opinions about this.

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Re: Drugs
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2013, 09:27:19 pm »
I ate a blade of grass once.

I see no issue with recreational drug use, or medicinal, but when it becomes an addiction thats where the line should be drawn.

They should also be given some sort of safety grading or whatever. If you've never heard of Krokodil I suggest you take a look.


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Re: Drugs
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2013, 09:56:18 pm »
I have heard of it.  That's when not even the addiction becomes a problem, but the swift death does.  That's how most hard drugs are (hard doesn't have to do with addictiveness; it means that it has been chemically altered).  The only okay hard drug is acid because it is relatively harmless unless taken in huge doses.
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Re: Drugs
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2013, 06:34:39 pm »
Bumped.  Anyways, don't just vote.  Comment on why you voted and state your opinion about it.
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Re: Drugs
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2014, 04:53:40 pm »
Drugs are just stupid. The only reason some people use them is for the fun of it or cause they are stupid :-\   Drugs, in my opinion, have no real use. Weed, crack, all those kinds, don't make any sense. I would keep drugs that have to do with health (you know the ones that help you XD) but the drugs that hurt you make no sense and they shouldn't be allowed. That was my opinion. Thank you

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Re: Drugs
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2014, 05:11:19 pm »
I miss the drugs plugin we had on the server. It increased my sugar cane sales exponentially.
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Re: Drugs
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2014, 05:35:37 pm »
Drugs are just stupid. The only reason some people use them is for the fun of it or cause they are stupid :-\   Drugs, in my opinion, have no real use. Weed, crack, all those kinds, don't make any sense. I would keep drugs that have to do with health (you know the ones that help you XD) but the drugs that hurt you make no sense and they shouldn't be allowed. That was my opinion. Thank you

 Have you heard of medical marijuana (I really hate that word, I'll just use cannabis from now on)?  Weed doesn't even hurt you too much.  It just gets you high.  The only thing that would truly be bad is if you ate too much or had a panic attack.  The only real danger about it is inhaling burning plant matter; anything that goes into your lungs that's not regular air is bad.  Not even acid, molly, or shrooms are bad.  In fact, acid, molly, and shrooms are beneficial to many people.  Acid helps people cope with pain and depression in peoples' lives, molly helps people deal with PTSD, and shrooms are introspective.  I'm living  proof that not everything is dangerous.  I got stoned as fuck last night and I'm still breathing and I'm as sane as I was a few nights ago.  I'd draw the line when it will kill you eventually, it is addictive, or it will hurt someone else.  That means heroin, ketamine, PCP, cocaine, crack, meth, scopolamine (read about it), alcohol (you can overdose on alcohol, it's addictive, and its withdrawal kills), and many other things. 

Even if you do have that "drugs are bad, mmmmkay?" mentality, you should agree that a plant that has a medicinal use (weed) shouldn't be on Schedule 1 (a schedule for substances with no medicinal value).  The only thing that's keeping cannabis on that list is pro-tobacco companies and pharmaceutical companies because they don't want to lose business because people decide to grow their own medicine.
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Re: Drugs
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2014, 02:02:38 pm »
I don't think that's the only reason.
Some argument or persuasion is causing "traditional" people to feel like there should be no change.
Some people believe that the only "good" person is the person who doesn't have an addled mind. (Yes, they include alcohol in addled)
A lot of the people who are against legalizing anything are simply afraid of it, as I was once afraid of who I would become if I ever got drunk.
In order to give power to harmless things, you have to remove peoples fear of it. But then, how do we do that if we can't expose them to it?


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Re: Drugs
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2014, 09:57:43 pm »
Drugs are bad mkay?

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Re: Drugs
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2014, 10:11:26 pm »
Drugs, legal or not, will still be used, no matter what.
But you shouldn't have to call on us to hold your hand for every step of trying to resolve an issue.

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Re: Drugs
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2014, 02:34:04 pm »
Guess what I got today!  I'm getting morning glory seeds so I can extract LSA, or lysergic acid amide from them and trip!  Don't mistake me, I'm not just doing it to have fun or for the "lulz" but I'm doing it so I can have a long, hard look at all my traits, what makes me me, and what my life is.  I'm doing it as a form of psychotherapy.
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Re: Drugs
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2014, 08:16:50 pm »
despite how I may come across I am completely anti-drug and some what anti-alchol (mainly do to addictions within my family)
they may be fun and can not harm some it still will do bad to society
what may be one fun night to a couple of 20 year olds
will be the end to some regular persons


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Re: Drugs
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2014, 08:59:19 pm »
despite how I may come across I am completely anti-drug and some what anti-alchol (mainly do to addictions within my family)
they may be fun and can not harm some it still will do bad to society
what may be one fun night to a couple of 20 year olds
will be the end to some regular persons
Although I see where you're coming from, drugs can be powerful therapeutic tools when used correctly.  A hallucinogenic alkaloid called ibogaine can help treat opiate addiction.  LSD helps with alcoholism and helps terminally ill patients come to terms with death and accept it without the immense depression.  Psilocybin (the tryptamine alkaloid related to DMT) can cure cluster headaches, which can be described as a pain worse than death, akin to the Cruciatus curse. Opioids, of course, relieve pain and are anti-diarrheal.  MDMA (ecstasy) can potentially help people with severe PTSD.  Hell, even meth helps with ADHD.  And you've seen the effects of medical cannabis.  It helps with multiple sclerosis, dementia, it's the most effective nonaddictive painkiller, it's antioxidant (helps prevent certain cancers), stimulates growth and increased neural connections in the brain, and many of these things are on Schedule 1 of the US Controlled Substances Act, which means that these compounds that have plenty of proven medical uses aren't accepted as medicine simply because pharmaceutical lobbyists want to make money making new drugs with tons of side effects. 

    Put simply, these substances are useful and many (except the really bad ones) should be available for people to use.  People are going to buy drugs anyways, and why make all of the money go into the black market into the hands of drug lords and hardened criminals?  It should be taxed and regulated just like anything else.  Colorado proved that this works with cannabis earlier this year.  The first week cannabis was available for sale legally, the government made over $5 million off of taxes from cannabis alone and much of that money went to schools. 

    I believe that instead of the "lock up the drug users although many are harmless," we should have a rehabilitation and harm reduction plan instead.  Instead of forcing opiate users to go through withdrawal in jail, we should try to restore them to an opiate-free life through methadone replacement therapy.

Ps, by your logic, caffeine and nicotine should be banned too because they're psychoactive.
pps, I'm not trying to insult anyone here, just trying to prove my point that is pro-legalization of anything that is not habit-forming and pro-harm reduction instead of filling our already overfilled privatized for-profit prison systems.
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Re: Drugs
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2014, 09:01:15 pm »
If anyone needs some Drugs, my town has so many drug dealers just come to Granite City IL. ^ -^


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Re: Drugs
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2014, 09:02:57 pm »
Guess what I got today!  I'm getting morning glory seeds so I can extract LSA, or lysergic acid amide from them and trip!  Don't mistake me, I'm not just doing it to have fun or for the "lulz" but I'm doing it so I can have a long, hard look at all my traits, what makes me me, and what my life is.  I'm doing it as a form of psychotherapy.
twss :3